In Silence, the Language of Joseph, We Can Learn God's Will for Us.
We are to begin our public witness just as Jesus began His public ministry.
The baptism of Jesus in the Jordan by John the Baptist marks the end of the Christmas season. These two coincide beautifully and, of course, intentionally. The Church, in Her wisdom, put these together. Christmas is a great gift. And we receive it as such. However, we are to share this great gift with others. This great gift, of course, is Jesus.
To others, Jesus appeared to be just another Jew. But everything changed when He was baptized. Not only was He revealed to be more than just another Jew. He began His public ministry after His baptism testifying to it. We, I hope, have all been baptized and thus commissioned to bring public witness to Christ. And this feast coinciding with the end of the Christmas season, sends us out once again to renew our public witness.
What is it to be a public witness to Christ? While the answer is enough to fill a book, it can be simple. We need to lead people to Jesus. All of us are to do so differently and do so differently for each person that we meet. There is no cookie cutter recipe. We must act as though we have a big Jesus hat on our heads. Believe me, I actually have one and when I wear it, I am much more aware of what I do and how I interact with others.
And that helps. We need to do everything with a Jesus-filter. What that means for you and me is different, but keeping Jesus in the forefront of our minds should not be. Jesus is up-front. If we have to put Him to the side while we do something, we are missing the point. Instead, bring Jesus into what you are doing. Do it for Jesus. Witness for your love of Jesus, even if no one is looking.
Re-engage in your calling to publicly witness Christ, especially in places that Christ is not. Then, you will have brought Jesus to others. And do not be dismayed by rejection. Even Jesus was rejected. In fact, they so far as to kill Jesus. Most of us will never face such a rejection. But smile, because the Easter Joy far surpasses the sorrow of the Crucifix.
Jesus, help us to witness to You in all that we do and lead others to You for joy in all eternity.