Deceived About Your Inheritance … Your Eternal Inheritance?
I promised more on the Year of St Joseph and so here it is.
The Year of Joseph proclaimed by Pope Francis started on the 150th anniversary of St Joseph being declared the Patron of the Universal Church. It started on December 8th, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, and goes December of 2021. However, we have already been in a Year of Joseph in our own diocese going back to May 1st, the Solemnity of St Joseph the Workman. (It is a solemnity in our diocese, at least.)
In the Year of Joseph, we have a special time to dedicate to Joseph. Not only in prayers to Joseph, but by meditating upon his involvement in salvation. It was Joseph that saved the Savior from Herod’s murderous plot. It was Joseph that performed the fatherly duties of an earthly father to Jesus. It was Joseph that protect Mary’s perpetual virginity while being her true husband in all other ways.
Joseph has so much to teach us. And in a time of constant noise, perhaps his silence is most needed. It was Joseph that quietly did as God asked. His actions of obedience without hesitation show us how difficult we are. But Joseph can guide us as he guided the Holy Family, both to safety in Egypt and back to the Promised Land. In Joseph, we see a man that God the Father deemed worthy to be virgin father to His Only-Begotten Son.
And with the Year of Joseph, Pope Francis grants us indulgences (spiritual gifts from Our Holy Father) for certain ways that we honor Joseph. Here is a link that details the 15 ways to receive these spiritual gifts:
This is a special year for us to “Go to Joseph” as pharaoh said of the Old Testament Joseph. Joseph was there at the birth of Christ and he must have been overjoyed to hold Jesus in his arms. May we imitate Joseph’s joy as we receive Jesus in Holy Communion.