Be Alert
The tabernacle in the wilderness, as well as in Solomon’s temple, was divided into two sections by a thick curtain called the veil. In the larger section, called the Holy Place, were a lampstand, a table for loaves of bread, and an incense altar.
In the smaller section, called the Holy of Holies, sat the Ark of the Covenant – a gold-lined chest in which (during the days of the wilderness tabernacle) were the tablets on which God had written the Ten Commandments, a jar of the manna God provided the nation during their 40-years trek through the wilderness, and a budded almond branch. The solid gold lid of the box was called the Mercy Seat. Kneeling over the Mercy Seat were sculptured angels, their wings spread as a covering for the Mercy Seat.
The Mercy Seat was God’s Throne on earth (Exodus 25:17-22).
Only the Jewish priests could enter the Holy Place, for only they could perform the services of worship in the sanctuary. They did this day by day. It was in this part of the Temple sanctuary where Zachariah was performing his priestly duties when the angel Gabriel met him (Luke 1:5-20).
But behind the veil which separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies, God permitted no one except the High Priest to enter, and that only once a year, on the Day of Atonement.
Here is a critical point: The veil separated the Holy Place from the Holy of Holies in both the wilderness Tabernacle, and in the Jerusalem Temple during the days of Jesus. Priests entered the Holy Place day after day to perform their priestly services. But only the High Priest could go behind the veil into the Holy of Holies – God’s earthly throne.
And then, on Good Friday 2000 years ago, while hanging from spikes in His hands, “Jesus uttered a loud cry, and breathed His last.And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.” (Mark 15:37-38)
Christian, pause now for a moment and in your mind’s eye look at that veil. Look long at it! It’s torn. From top to bottom, ripped by God. Sundered from heaven to earth.
Look! Can you see it? The way into God’s throne room is no longer accessible only to a privileged few. No longer is that forbidden zone forbidden! His throne room is now open to everyone – anyone – who calls on the name of the Lord.
So look! See Father on His throne, no longer behind the veil. His clothing like white snow. His hair like pure wool. His throne ablaze with flames. A river of fire flows out from before Him; Thousands upon thousands attend Him, and myriads upon myriads stand before Him. (See Daniel 7:9,10) You and I no longer need a go-between, a mediator, because the Crucified One is our intercessor (1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 7:25).
And now, as Father holds out His arms to welcome you, listen with your spiritual ears: “Come!” He beckons. “Come into My arms. I’ve removed the veil separating us. So, come. By yourself you can come. I want to embrace you.”
“And let’s talk, as Father to beloved child.”