Catholic Out Loud - Public Sinner
The proliferation of professional Catholics with a steady online presence has given me pause.
Everywhere on social media platforms one can find still another Catholic Podcaster weighing in on the latest news cycle, scandal (in and outside the Church) and what Pope Francis said/did today. A few of them are former employees or contributors to well-respected apostolates such as Catholic Answers ( They each have their own style, their own political bent and their own personal agenda. Some are making a lot of money (Church Militant comes to mind) and intent on expanding their empire and influence. Others are doing it from their living rooms and have not quit their day jobs, which is probably a good idea.
I first started listening to Catholic Radio over 20 years ago after seeing a bumper sticker on the car in front of me on the freeway. I had already become a fan of EWTN, in particular of the Sunday Night Catechism series being presented by Father John Corapi. I found the teachings to be methodical, true and easy to understand and I give Catholic media a huge amount of credit for helping me strengthen my Faith. The Catholic Radio shows I listened to were fun, orthodox and timely - the people interviewed knowledgeable and interesting but most of all I heard kindness, compassion and a love for those struggling with the 'rules and regulations' of the Catholic Church. I rarely heard anyone put down or ridiculed. I never heard Truth spared but the manner in which it was offered to those listening really made me proud to be a JPII Catholic girl who had made her way Home to her Spiritual roots.
As many who found themselves bolstered through this medium, I found my appetite for learning reawakened. I began to read, to study, to cast my eyes backwards over the centuries. In the back of my mind was the thought that I wanted to find out if those sisters a Christ the King School in Pleasant Hill had told me the truth during religion classes. However, that morphed into a love of learning more and more about The Faith. This lead, in time, to my discovering the Order of Preachers. Today I am a Third Order Dominican, a life professed member of the Fra Angelico Chapter. I do my best each day to live according to the Rule of Dominic as given to the Lay members. I spend the second Saturday of most months praying with my fellow Dominicans and then studying and discussing the Summa and St. Thomas 9am....with lots of coffee.
The landscape of social media today seems to be a bit rockier than it was 20 or 25 years ago. Oh, sure...there have always been divisive figures in the Catholic Church with their own bully pulpit. One of the most beloved figures of the 1950's and 1960's was Archbishop Fulton Sheen who entertained America with his amazing television show loved by people of all Faiths and backgrounds. But it is different today, more full of snide remarks and rancor along with that weird need by those using the medium to be RIGHT - especially RIGHT in your FACE.
All of these people claim orthodoxy - right worship - and all of them claim to represent 'real' Catholics (as opposed to what they have deemed not-quite-real, meaning public sinners). They take great pride in touting the 'return' of public figures to Catholicism and oftentimes will take credit for that return, leaving people like me to wonder if the Holy Spirit had anything to do with it at all.
And for the average Catholic in the Pew (like me) it can feel as though Social Media Catholics are as thick as jungle vines, requiring us to machete our way through their dense growth like the spiritual equivalent of Indiana Jones - searching, searching, searching for a spark of kindness and joy, love and peace amidst the screeching and finger pointing.
I am grateful for people in the 'biz' that are still quiet, steady and true. Jimmy Akin comes to mind as do the Friars of OPWest. Straight forward delivery of doctrine and Tradition with insight, humor and accuracy. I like that Bishop Barron fellow, and Father Schmitz...both men of learned humility and straightforward delivery. I like being made to think, to ponder and to be able to take to The Adoration Chapel questions that these people may put in my mind for review.
In my way of thinking, Social Media Catholics have a higher responsibility to be conscious of how they present the Teachings of Holy Mother Church. They have a responsibility to be faithful, orthodox and accurate, to tell the Truth without flinching and to remember that they are being watched on a world wide stage - how they act reflects upon the Body of Christ as a Whole.
And I am so in awe of the times we live in when more and more people have access to a platform (or four) that allow them to step out in Faith, deliver the message with Hope and reach millions with Love.
My Faith lies in Jesus, and my Hope is in The Lord...and I want always to express myself with Love.
For that is the greatest of all - Love.