Finding Christ in Our Lives: A Poem
We have a tendency to believe we can create an ordered future. We believe we can make plans and watch them unfold as we hoped, even in such challenging times as now. Alas, our good plans for a good future may not come to pass, as family and circumstances change without our approval.
Looking for a scapegoat when something goes wrong is human nature. One asks, “Where is God in all of this misery?” “What use is faith in the face of unexpected death and uncertainty?” Faith seems to be lost, “I can’t hear him anymore.”
Knowing one’s faith isn’t the same as accepting it throughout one’s life. One can know a thing and not quite believe it. One has to search deep- deep inside self to fully encompass God in all passages of life- in good times and sad times.
And yet it is in the worst of human times that one’s search for faith reaches true faith. It is then that all false expressions of faith are revealed for their weaknesses and untruth. True faith finds God’s light; light which has been revealed to man. The heart and mind have been awakened to God’s love for man by Christ’s Death and Resurrection.
Maybe what we need is an expression of faith, - a means of giving voice to the hope of future life that we believe will happen, and therefore thankful for the blessings we have now.
Each must find their expression of faith according to the gifts God has given them. Using one’s human hands to help another is an expression of faith and love- “I am doing the work Christ did when he was on this earth. Therefore I believe.”
My hands and feet, my lips and heart, I give away,
To help another is to show God’s love and a way to save.
This day is short in eternity, yet is the beginning
Of my eternal life with the holy Trinity.