Lent: Give Up, Give to Others, and Give to God
“She has done what she could.” Those words jumped off the page for me on Palm Sunday in reference to the woman with the alabaster jar anointing Jesus.
This passage has spoken to me for several years. In fact, a significant other and I just got done painting a stunning picture of this woman for my bedroom.
I see a lot of myself in that woman. She was a forgiven woman who had great love for Christ, and made a beautiful gesture of that love. But this line gave me another way of looking at who she was and what she did, as more of a response of what she could do for Christ in the story of redemption.
She did what she could do.
Am I? Are you? Are we even asking ourselves that question?
That line got me thinking about the other minor characters in the Passion story that we hear about only once. Veronica wiping the face of Jesus. Simon helping to carry Jesus’ cross.
We all play a part. What is our small sweet role to play in this larger story of redemption?
Lately, I feel so busy. Running around. Never enough time. Always serving, praying or working or tending to something God has given me to do. I’m sure many of us feel similarly.
In these words, I feel Christ affirming me: You’re doing what you can do.
That’s all that matters.