What are you willing to give up to get closer to Jesus?
We commonly think that we are only one person and cannot do very much. And sometimes, by worldly standards, it is true. But by the standards of Heaven, this is never true. We must never overlook what we can do. We can intercede for others by praying for them, including the Holy Souls in Purgatory. We also live in a society in which others see what we do. By living a holy life, we can lead others to Heaven without knowing that we are.
But do we forgot how much we are relied upon by those so close to us? We all came to be in a family and we all live in God’s Family, the Church. As such, we are relied upon by our family members. Sometimes to provide for them, and sometimes to be provided by them. To protect and to be protected. And while being provided for or protected does not seem like we are doing anything, we are living in the family and how we accept being provided for and protected affects the whole family.
God the Father is to provide for and protect all of us. If we think we can do it without Our Heavenly Father, we are dismissing Our Father’s gifts and protection, leaving us vulnerable and in need. Some are called on to be a vessel for how Our Father provides for and protects others. We should not dismiss these duties leaving God’s children vulnerable and in need. Surely, God with deal with us like He should.
Every soul has infinite worth. Jesus died for every soul as if each soul was the only soul that needed saving. Sure, He only did it once, but He would do it again if needed. But being God, it is not needed. Now, we just need to do our part. Souls are relying on us.
Joseph, you were relied upon to mirror the Heavenly Father to Jesus, help us to accept our duties as you accepted yours, in obedience and in love. Amen.