Why Are You Sleeping?
Every year post-Easter, I am struck by how the Church launches into daily Scripture readings about the early Apostles and their works on mission. Suddenly we go from joy and astonishment of Jesus’ Resurrection, to works of proclaiming the Gospel, healing, giving to the needy, building the Christian community, and dealing with the challenges of all that.
These readings answer the question we all might be thinking in this post Easter season… Jesus is Risen, now what?
Every Easter I hear the same answer: Back to work!
In other words, our joy and amazement are meant to lead us into the Christian mission. We’re to go back to the work Christ gave us to continue doing until He comes again. We are to carry on His ministries.
We all are given a role to play in proclaiming the Risen Christ and Kingdom of God by our lives. We have to find what that role is by discerning it with the Lord. Think about what your’s might be, and how the Holy Spirit is empowering you with gifts and inspirations for that role.
How will you proclaim and reveal the Risen Christ in your corner of the world? How will you build up His Kingdom like the Apostles? Feel empowered, just like the early disciples!
That’s our mission in this post Easter season.