Man's Helplessness and Christ's Power
Into the Light of Day
The night is dark with an air of bleakness;
No sound of footsteps to signal life;
The tomb of Jesus awaits his rising-
To breathe, opening our new covenant.
The root of Jesse lies as if asleep;
A linen cloth covers his head and feet.
A heavy stone guards the entrance so
No man or beast could ever enter.
Isaiah11: “From his roots a bud shall blossom”
A true king seated on his throne-
“ A white tree shall bloom”
Rising majestically over all the earth.
The time is now, the king is ready-
Grace and love interwoven,
Forgiveness from our living Lord
Who once was dead.
A glorious angel, his face aglow
Opens the tomb to the women and guards.
“The crucified one has risen as he said;
Go to Galilee where you will see him.”
See our garden today with open blooms
Rising from roots deep in the ground;
New glorious life this Easter day, “Yes!”
Christ’s footsteps are in our land.
A shoot rising from a stump, a sign of life,
Not dead; the stump will grow again,
Endowed with the Spirit giving hope and joy-
Easter 2020 years passed still giving new life.