Think door-to-door visitation ministry is only for those who are Jehovah Witnesses? Think again.
Before the coronavirus pandemic, some Catholics were knocking on doors to help bring other Catholics back home to the Church as a part of the call to carry out the "New Evangelization".
How exactly does the Legion of Mary carry out a charism of being neighborhood missionaries and help to strengthen the relationship that each person has with Christ to draw them closer to Him? How can they encourage others to return to the Catholic Church?
The Legion of Mary members meet people where they are in their lives, and bring Christ to them through their "compassion and gentleness, while upholding the teachings of the Catholic Church". A simple conversation starter when first meeting someone at the door can be as simple as, "Has anyone in the household ever been baptized a Catholic?" and such a question can lead to a Catholic who has strayed away from the Church being evangelized again and coming home.
As a millennial Catholic, I am sadly aware of the amount of young adult Catholics who have strayed away from our faith.. I attend Daily Mass as well as Mass on Sundays and often I am one of the few millennial Catholics in the pews. I have listened to the stories of broken hearted parents who long for their children who they raised Catholic to return to our Church. How beautiful would it be to be able to take part in the call to the "New Evangelization" and strive to bring them home? How can we imitate the Good Shepherd and strive to bring all of the lost sheep home?
Let us strive to look towards the Legion of Mary as a model for how we can live our lives as faithful Catholics. We can help to bring fallen away Catholics back home by living our Catholic faith through our words and actions. Due to the coronavirus many Legion of Mary members are currently unable to go door-to-door, but we can be inspired to think of new and innovative ways to continue such a mission of carrying out the "New Evangelization" in these times.