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A religion journalist says ‘The Chosen’ series, about the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples could have a significant impact on religion and culture.
“Even reporters who I know are linked into the evangelical culture have missed this story,” Julia Duin, wrote on her April 6 article on Get Religion.
“This thing has been watched by 50 million people in 180 countries, so it’s time to take a serious look. Are they cutting it in terms of acting; of being true to the Jewish traditions of the time? What sorts of experts are contributing to this effort?”
The Chosen in its first season focuses on the initial encounter between Jesus and his disciples including Peter Simon, Andrews and Mathew.
Jesus growing fame is addressed in the second season of the Chosen series.
The series is available on VidAngel website and also on an app for iOS.
Explaining why he made the series, creator and director Dallas Jenkins said, “I have a passion for people to hear the ‘old, old story’ again … for the very first time.”
“When I see Jesus movies, it’s sometimes hard for me to feel moved or excited. I've heard the stories before, and many Jesus projects just take you from Bible story to Bible story, not spending as much time on the humanity and backstories of all these characters. And they sometimes feel stiff and formal,” he said while describing the app for The Chosen.
Jenkins said his aim was “to write a show that explores Jesus through the eyes of those around Him.” He focused on the characters Simon Peter, Matthew, Mary Magdalene, Nicodemus and other beneficiaries of Jesus’ miracles.
“We couldn’t help but identify with their recklessness, rough pasts, religious piety, and desperation for life change. And ultimately, their redemption,” said Jenkins.