Dreams of Purgatory
...the final battle between the Lord and the reign of Satan will be about marriage and the family. Don’t be afraid, because anyone who operates for the sanctity of marriage and the family will always be contended and opposed in every way, because this is the decisive issue… However, Our Lady has already crushed its head. Sister Lucia dos Santos
I write in my journal as if the Lord is speaking to me. I submit fully to the authority of the church and if they state what I have written is wrong, then I am wrong, and the church is correct.
This came to me while pondering the Sorrows of Mary, it came as the sorrows of the modern church. I believe every era has its sorrows. These are ours.
Seven Sorrows of the Modern Church
1. The Prophecy of Paul VI – A sword shall pierce through Marriage and the Family
If you have never read Humanae Vitae you should. While the Protestant world caved to the use of artificial birth control, the Pope did not and his prophetic words have come to fruition. Unfortunately, those within the Catholic church have caved to the belief that artificial birth control is a good rather than the intrinsic evil that it is. And German Bishops defy the very definition of marriage, which was defined by Christ Himself.
2. The Lawful Passage of Abortion of the unborn. Slaughter of the Innocents.
While abortion was first brought about in the communist Soviet Union, the United States followed suit in 1973. To date no other form of death surpasses that of abortion. We kill more babies in the womb all over the world and it is comparable to all other causes of death combined. The blood of the innocent cries out from the ground. And our culture has become pornographic as a result.
3. The decimation of Holy Mass and gross Liturgical Abuse
One does not have to look far to come across Liturgical Abuse and Abuse of the Eucharist. Over the years I have personally seen people put Jesus in the Eucharist in their pockets, seen the precious blood spilled all over the place, and seen some Masses become unrecognizable to the focus which is supposed to be Jesus. Additionally when Mass was reopened, this increased in some places. The focus became so much on germs we were actually profaning the Eucharist with some of the policies certain places put into action.
4. The banning of the faithful from Mass and dispensation from the 3rd commandment. The faithful are left to carry spiritual suffering alone.
No one needs to say too much about this except to say that never before were Masses closed worldwide to the faithful like they were in 2020. Holy water was taken away. Confession was taken away in multiple Dioceses. The elderly were left to die alone without recourse to Last Rites. It was disgusting to watch. The church was not administering Sacraments to the faithful during a time when the faithful most needed it and as she was commissioned to do by Christ. The church essentially stopped her mission for that time period. Save for a few faithful Priests and Bishops who did so at risk to themselves, the rest cowered in fear. I lost a loved one to suicide during lockdown. The last thing he posted online was a virtual Mass.
5. The nailing of Doctrine to the Cross. Science replacing Sacrament.
Nothing speaks more to this than this diabolical depiction of what is supposed to cure us;
Absolutely astonishing to see a picture of God the Father with a glove on His hand with the Vatican name all over it, as if the Divine Creator of the Universe needs a glove in order to heal us. And again at least one of the speakers at this Vatican cohosted conference thinks it is unChristian to not allow women to abort their children.
Science has made it’s way into Mass when we reopened, to the detriment of the reverence of God. While precautions can always be prudently taken, they should not further abuse the Eucharist. Hand Sanitzer is not the savior and should never be placed on an altar. I hear more preaching on vaccines around the globe than on the Real Presence.
Servant of God Lousia Peccereta said this;
Ah! my daughter, when I allow that churches remain deserted, ministers dispersed, Masses reduced, it means that the sacrifices are offenses to Me, the prayers insults, the adorations, irreverences, the confessions amusements, and without fruits. Therefore, no longer finding My glory, but rather, offenses, nor any good for them, since they are of no use to Me any more, I remove them. However, this snatching ministers away from my Sanctuary means also that things have reached the ugliest point, and that the variety of scourges will multiply. How hard man is—how hard! —Jesus to Servant of God, Luisa Piccarreta; February 12, 1918
It is after these five that I believe we have two more sorrows that are yet to come. These are the ones I hesitate to write. I hesitate because they are prophetic in nature and I know there are always multiple ways something can be interpreted. I started writing about this next one in my journal in 2016. I have never posted it publicly before unless I redacted a portion of what I was going to say. Obviously I could be wrong. I leave it here for your discernment.
6. Rome will burn. The Pope will be killed.
In my prayer I have been hearing “the Pope will be killed” since July of 2016. I don’t know if this is a spiritual or literal thing. I also never heard Pope Francis, but felt it may be him. I felt the Lord was telling me that the prophecy of Fatima is yet to be fulfilled and that Saint John Paul II was only part of the picture. This is for discernment. I am not claiming to know exactly how things play out or how this phrase was meant.
7. The Church looks dead and is laid in a tomb.
Catechism of the Catholic Church 675: Before Christ’s second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the “mystery of iniquity” in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh.
The sorrows are never the end of the story. The joys come after the sorrow. The bride of Christ will rise purified. I believe the church will come out better than she was before, more faithful, less judgment of one another. A church resting in the will of the Father. Do not despair, Resurrection comes after the cross.