What real power looks like
Many parents have allowed the Church sole responsibility for the faith formation of their children, and many Church leaders are failing. Today, allowing the Church to be the only source of your child's faith formation and teaching them how to love God is like throwing a drowning man a life jacket while the boat you are on is sinking. The life jacket will keep you afloat for a while, but it will not last.
The failure of the papacy and the Vatican to correct heresies and relativism teachings from leaders is the gaping hole in the boat that is causing the ship to sink.
Parents must not only teach by word, but by example, the faith to their children. Additionally, parents must educate themselves on proper teachings of the Church and hold leaders accountable for drifting away from those teachings. Parents have become accustomed to allowing religious education to be the responsibility of the Church and yet wonder why many of their adult children reject the faith as adults.
I hear priests and bishops urging parents to “bring your kids to Mass”. But the faith stretches far beyond the Mass. The Eucharist is the “source and summit” of the faith, according to the Catechism. This does not mean it’s the only thing to the faith. It’s the source, not the only aspect of the faith. Faith must be lived daily in our homes, workplaces, and in our relationship with others. Children must see their parents praying daily, reading Scripture and religious writings daily, and participating in the sacraments.
On the other hand, parents must hold church leaders accountable for what is being taught not only in formal religious education, but in homilies and through social media. The lack of education of parents leads to bad education of youth. I remember teaching a 4th grade class at our parish and discussing with one of the mothers about what we were studying in class. I explained to the parent that we were teaching about the papacy and the beginnings of the Church. She told me “I don’t even know who the first pope is”. The sad truth is that most within the Church are sacramentalized but not evangelized.
Church leaders that refuse to correct those advocating and supporting the LGBTQ agenda are those who are laying the foundation for a culture that is demonic. The LGBTQ agenda is not one rooted in the Biblical teachings of love and charity. Love never includes accepting and endorsing sin. Charity never included signing the permission slip of sin. The LGBTQ agenda is simply to erase the design and plans of the Creator for mankind. It seeks to destroy biological truth and to dissolve the definition of gender and sex.
The biological, scientifically proven truth is still the same. We are born either male or female when we come out of our mother’s womb. The doctor does not choose the gender. The nurses do not “assign” and “pick one” of the options when it comes to sex. Yet, society is telling our children that it is the doctor, not God, who determines our gender at birth. It is called AFAB “Assigned Female At Birth) or AMAB (Assigned Male At Birth). In fact, there are those that now say there are up to 72 genders! From non-binary, agender, transgender, gender neutral, pangender, genderqueer and so many more of a combination of these. It’s just another excuse to sin. However, despite this assault on God’s truth, Pope Francis is concerned about the environment. Rather than correcting priests and bishops who want to bless sin by allowing blessings of same sex marriages, the pope is worried more about adding environmental issues as sin in the Catechism.
If we are to ensure the children growing up in such a cancel culture, anti-Christian, anti-absolute truth society are going to survive then parents need to study the faith, pay attention, and ensure they hold their church leaders accountable to the truth. In this war for souls, it is not exclusively the job of the Church nor the parents to pass on the faith. It is a team effort. Parents must educate but they also must live the faith daily in front of their children. Church leaders need to stick to proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and get out of the political mud pit. For those who blatantly disagree and dissent from Church authority and Church teaching on matters of sin then they should be held accountable for such actions and urged to repent by Church leadership.