The 'Our Father' A Most Powerful Prayer
Aside from all the good news of vaccines from the pharmaceutical industry, there is always more to consider, namely the emotionalism that this virus pandemic is perpetrating.
We are bombarded daily with words from government officials, the media, friends, and relatives to ‘wear a mask,’ ‘keep a social distance,’ ‘get a vaccine,’ and just recently there are some in government offices mulling about ‘vaccine passports.' Vaccine passports are, in my opinion, a form of intimidation to get people vaccinated, regardless of one’s individual immune system.
Let’s keep in mind the order of the good life: We are to love God (first) and then love our neighbor as we love ourselves. This would indicate that there is also a moral necessity to be careful of what we put into an otherwise healthy immune system. This involves reading or listening to different thoughts on the vaccines that are out there. Our God-given intellect always looks before leaping.
So, let’s connect the dots to attempt to discern human words vs. the Word of God. The ‘looking from what is above us’ and not what is below us.
The first ‘dot’ of the Word of God: Beware of false prophets.
As responsible stewards of God's gift of faith and grace, discernment of human words is essential.
The next connecting dot: Who hears you, hears me (says the Lord).
Be concerned if one is shut out of speaking the spiritual perspective of this virus, ie: the looking at what is above, not below us. If the response is 'medical science is the answer,' pray over:
‘Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.’
While it is true God gave man dominion over all things on earth — it is GOD and science, not science and God. In any natural study of any topic, technology, psychology, any subject one wishes to learn of — God needs to be brought into humanity’s actions for good results to ensue. If ‘science’ usurps this good order, success may be less.
The ‘fear of death’ is often stated in some manner by our media. Virus cases, number of deaths, wear a mask to protect yourself and others; it is all emotionalism, with very little substantial data to the positive. The negative is usually the dominant news. God’s word that comes:
‘No one knows the day and hour.’ ‘On this earth there will come trials and tribulations, FEAR NOT, I have overcome the world.’
What is being said in these words is to have faith in God and His promises. What has that sneaky devil been doing for decades? Watering down the faith in God through worship (praise, petition, and thanksgiving) so as to hear God’s good counsel that directs our steps in what we are to do, and trust Him. The other tactic of the devil is the enticing human nature to pride: ‘You will be seen as good and loving if you wear a mask and get a vaccine.’ Contrast this enticement to embrace a scientific solution to living well in the world to that long-ago scene in the Garden of Eden with Eve and the serpent: “eat of the apple and you will be like God.” Watch out for doing anything for the reason of pride.
God’s way to faith and grace was that of:
‘Take and eat of my body and my blood, and you will live forever.’
Careful how one hears ‘in the world.’ Life will have trials and tribulations. With regards mask mandates, with or without a vaccine, remember we are not to live in fear or hide from tribulations (crosses) but embrace and face them — with faith in His promises:
‘Not a hair on your head will be harmed.’
If anyone says that ‘not getting a vaccine will make you vulnerable to getting the virus and death coming to you,’ please remember:
‘No one knows the day or hour’ one will leave earth, such is always in the hands of God’s will.
Do not forget that because of faith, victory over death has been won. Life is eternal, to those of faith!
‘Do nothing out of fear.’
‘When the Son of Man returns, will He find faith on this earth?’
With regards to being vaccinated or not:
‘Let everyone be convinced by their own mind.’
The intent of this article merely a means of helping minds to think and connect all dots before leaping into taking a vaccine. The answer to life’s difficulties is not a ‘cut in the same mold’ scientific solution in a diverse society.
May God’s gift of free will, always be.