By now, you have hopefully read my six blogs detailing messages received about a new Heaven and a new Earth. This final one, it would seem, is the most crucial: if you want the key to enter into the Kingdom of God, to walk in Heaven on Earth, and be in the Presence of God - then Forgive.
In the Lord's Prayer, we say daily, "Forgive us as we forgive those who trespass against us."
We can have total Peace of God, or Joy of the Lord within, as long as we don't keep hidden the past. There will always be that whisper within that keeps us wondering, What is wrong with me? If you feel this way, there may be a blockage keeping God's Peace out.
Today, ask the Holy Spirit to lead and reveal to your mind what your eyes are not seeing. Ask, 'Why do I still struggle with an addicted or sinful lifestyle?'
A suggestion, if you really want to know why: make a list. A list of all who have hurt you, rejected you, and made you feel unloved in your life. Start with your earliest memories. While you are at, take note of problematic family traits that have been passed down.
Next, make a list of all the things you hate about yourself, and ask for insight as to why. Why do you hate those traits, even the way you look?
Make a list of the reasons you do not really believe in an All-Loving God. In other words, why you sometimes feel, "If there is a God, why did He allow this to happen in my life? Why did He allow anything bad to happen in all of our lives?"
Then, ask for the grace to choose to forgive. Forgive others, yourself - and God! Let go of all that you are hanging onto due to resentment, bitterness or vindication. Let go!
You are only hurting yourself with you hang on to past, and keep reciting, "someone has done me wrong." This is really our way of taking the blame off ourselves for the misery in our life. For some, it seems, being a victim gives them an "out,'' and perhaps gives them the attention they did not get
as a child.
With God, my dearly beloved, total commitment and total surrender are needed to enter into His Kingdom or Heaven on Earth. That is a problem for most of us though, isn't it? To protect ourselves from further hurt or pain, we feel the need to control our lives and all aspects of it.
It is your choice; if you want to enter into Peace, Joy and His Kingdom, His Presence, then put all into the Hands of God!
Revelation 22:17, "The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” Let the hearer say, “Come.” Let the one who thirsts come forward, and the one who wants it receive the gift of life-giving water."
You have to ask yourself again: do I really want the life God has for me? What am I really willing to do to gain this Joy and Peace of God dwelling within me? Then, come to that gift of life-giving water! Come!
Enter into His Gates with Thanksgiving in your hearts. Forgiveness and understanding allows us to enter into being able to rejoice and be thankful again.
Praying for God’s Words, reassuring me that the blogs, was completely under His guidance and Hand---these words started to flow into my spirit.
“Your Message, My Message to them.”
“My precious child, all of the words found in these blogs and your books are from Me. It is by grace, faith, love and trust that you have been guided to place in these pages, all that needs to be read.
These pages are to be read by those who share your path. Whose heart still knows turmoil and struggle, discouragement and pain, rejection, fear, and anger. My child, it is in living the whole of life that you are created, polished, loved, strengthened, purified and brought into the total, mature person whose heart can be one with Mine for all of eternity. Cherish even the sad times of life and the ‘human’ that you are. The weakness, the mistakes, all that your life holds, good and bad, for all is used by Me to bring you into eternal life.
I do love you with a love that cannot be measured, contained or stopped from flowing into your whole being! I invite you to be a part of this life and love for all eternity. Starting now, should you choose with all of your heart, with all of your will to say ‘yes’ to my call. I wait with all of heaven’s mercy, grace, tenderness and love, your decision to enter the ‘marriage’ with the Bridegroom. All of my chosen ones are the ‘Bride’ the Body of Christ here on earth. To enter into this covenant relationship allows you to enter now into the one Spirit and perpetual Presence of Jesus and all those who are united with Him in love. Come my Bride to the Union, the Banquet that awaits you.“
God speaks this message to each one of you who reads "My Journey, My Cross," or the blogs. Once more I am reminded by God and encouraged by Him on how important it is to go forward continue to write and have "Hi, It's Me God" published. (This is a book telling of the different ways God speaks to us. Anyone know a publisher?)
Let us keep running that race, for the race has yet to be won, the harvest is plenty --- the laborers, well---that would be you, me, all who come into the fields, as we go forth into Heaven on Earth.
The New Heaven and the New Earth. Revelation 21 vs 1-4
1 Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth. The former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more.*
2 I also saw the holy city, a new Jerusalem,* coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.
3 I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold, God’s dwelling is with the human race. He will dwell with them and they will be his people* and God himself will always be with them [as their God].*
4 He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no more death or mourning, wailing or pain, [for] the old order has passed away.”