It's Spring, and with Spring comes lots of weddings.
I am at the age that many of my friends and peers have children getting married. I'm not sure that there is anything sadder than seeing one young adult after another being married outside the Catholic faith. Most of these kids attended Parochial grade school with my boys, and then unlike my boys who attended public school, went on to Catholic High Schools. Yet, even though these kids received 12 years of Catholic education, they obviously never really came to know Christ or His Church. This has to be the case, because once you really understand and know Christ and His Church, there is no way you would ever turn your back on Him. And yet, being married outside the Church when you are a baptized Catholic is tragic. However, I am not sure that sentiment is felt by the parents of these fallen away young people, who seem very proud and anxious to share the apostasy all over social media.
I think I would want a refund. It seems that most parents and youngsters don't really look at their choice of secondary education as a way to grow in Faith and relationship with the Lord. It actually seems that even the schools themselves don't view this as their primary mission anymore. It seems more about status and getting into a good college, so good careers can be had and lots of money and prestige can be won. Of course, none of this is outlined in Scripture as the way to Heaven. There is nothing said in the Bible about our salvation being dependent on having a good job and earning lots of money. As a matter of fact, Scripture leads us in the other direction and Christ frets over the difficulty those with money have in reaching salvation. So then, what has gone so wrong? Where and how have we lost our way? Why do establishments originally created for the very purpose of teaching the Faithful the Faith, now teach the very opposite? How have these institutions become so convoluted? And why doesn't anyone do anything about it?
I guess nobody wants to rock the boat. Of course, getting these schools back on track would mean following the teaching of Christ and the Church and that is not very popular or agreeable. Seriously, have you seen the way girls dress for proms at these Catholic schools? Modesty is definitely NOT a concern in these institutions, so if they will let promiscuity and inappropriate dress slide, how much more difficult would it be to drill down on all these other hard teachings and expectations God has for His people? Where would the funding come from if unpopular teachings that nobody wants to follow are being be promoted and expected?
You can't serve God and money, or the world. If we are to be of God, we need to have one foot in this world and one in the next, and that is just way too difficult for most who are striving to have it all in this world at the expense of the next. Somewhere along the line, the message became garbled, and the prize became substituted, and the world has reaped the devastation of that slide. As we search for happiness in all the wrong places, we sacrifice the true source of all that can give and instill peace and joy within our hearts. The peace and joy is not dependent on anything this world offers, and it will never be found in anything this world offers. The true tragedy, and devastating reality is that the institutions that were created to steer people to the One who can fulfill us, the only One that can fulfill us are steering most of us in the opposite direction. The price for the fame and prestige many are looking for in this world, is the glory of the world to come.
Perhaps parents can take stand and let their kids know what a mistake it is to not be married in the Church. Parents must be the example, by practicing the Faith, and not just in a lukewarm way, but passionately. The passion found in those human relationships is nothing compared to the intense passion and love we can find in a relationship with Christ through His Church. That relationship and commitment is way better than the alternative option of a beach wedding. I bet most don't know that, which is unforgivable because it is the Gospel message and the great commission given by Christ to us all. It's too bad that a new commission has overshadowed the one of Christ, too bad indeed.