Death and Dying
Social Distancing and Space
Staying apart and space between others
has always been a part of our culture.
Black and white cultures never mixed;
slave and servant served their “masters”.
Indians who lived here first
became “second class” natives.
Jewish and Catholic faiths once again
were marginalized.
Last names were identifiers of background;
solidarity, national pride were lost.
Music and poetry have space
in sound and notes.
The ear acts as silencer, pause.
Eyes open and close to noise
sight becomes an enabler of self.
One’s relationship to another
opens or closes with arms and feet.
Now Covid 19 adds to separation;
vaccinated against unvaccinated;
masked versus unmasked.
Are we followers not participants
with Christ our Savior?
Chewing and swallowing the host
unites ourselves to all He is.
His Passion Death and Resurrection
becomes our hope too for eternal life.
Our day to remember and celebrate
Christ’s solidarity with us
Is Sunday, Corpus Christi.