For Times of Spiritual Dryness
Have you ever reached that point in life where you ask yourself: “Why am I here?” After all, none of us asked to be born. So it is almost inevitable that we find ourselves searching for the meaning of life and our purpose.
If we really want to find true fulfillment, we need to accept God’s gift of wisdom. Doing so enables us to see beyond our material world. In other words, do we want to be shaped solely by world events and live our lives accordingly or do we want to put our lives in God’s hands?
Being of this world limits us to only that which belongs of this world. Chances are we are not satisfied with those limitations. Certainly, we are meant to do more than live to pay bills. However, being in this world with God to guide us opens up our entire lives to the greatest purpose we are meant to have.
Therefore, “reflect on the law of the Most High and let his commandments be your constant study. Then he will enlighten your mind and make you wise as you desire.” [Sirach 6:37] Upon reflection, we see the heart of God’s law is merciful love.
Granted, some may contend that it is possible to love and be charitable in this world without the gift of wisdom from God. Perhaps, but are we better off? Or are we witnessing a deterioration in the quality of life as secularism of this world increases?
Remember, the Son of God was born into this world, but he was not of this world. He was heaven-sent for our salvation. We too were born into this world, and made in the image and likeness of God. “You formed my inmost being;/ you knit me in my mother’s womb.” [Psalm 139: 13] And we are animated by a spiritual soul in which the Holy Spirit is meant to dwell.
With the gift of wisdom—made manifest in Jesus Christ—we see the sanctity of humanity. So, let’s go back to the original question—why am I here? Each one of us is here to be faithful to the loving bond between heaven and earth for the sake of our sanctity and salvation.
That bond comes to us by way of the Holy Trinity—God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Provided we are open to the graces and blessings of the Holy Trinity, we are transformed by Heaven, not by the world. Therefore, we need the wisdom we see in Christ and offered to us by way of the Holy Spirit to carry on our daily lives with faith, hope, and especially, love.
So rather than cut ourselves off for more worldly desires, let us read Scripture, attend Mass, receive the Holy Eucharist, practice penance, and give thanks to hold onto God’s precious gift of wisdom. Then let us share all the gifts and fruits that God offers to each of us. For in God’s eyes, we have meaning and purpose at every stage of our earthly lives. We will never come to a dead end; instead, we will be transformed as God’s beloved children for eternity in Heaven. Amen!