“Is that You God—You Speaking to Me? I wish You would—I need answers.”
There is never a day that goes by that we all want God to help us, to give us the answers needed to lead us on right paths. In the beginning, we read of the many times when God spoke to His people, starting with Adam and Eve. In Genesis 3 we read of the account where,"...they heard the sound of the LORD God walking about in the garden at the breezy time of the day the man and his wife hid themselves from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. 9 The LORD God then called to the man and asked him: Where are you? 10
Is the Lord God still asking the same question to us today? - “Where are you and why are you not speaking to me?” (If you are reading this, it was God Himself leading you to click this article--for He knows your thoughts and knows your desires --- so read on learn, and begin to walk and talk with Him daily.) '
The Lord God spoke to Moses, Abraham, Solomon, Joshua. He spoke to His people and through the Prophets. In the New Testament, Jesus came to open the door for us to once more be one with God. He stated clearly, "I am the Truth, the Way and the Light." Also, "Come follow me, and I will give you rest."
Then, so not to leave us orphaned, after His death and Resurrection, and Ascension, the Holy Spirit came. Once more the Lord God is speaking to us through the Holy Spirit’s Voice power and gifts. If, we want them!
The first step to walking and talking with God is to deeply desire a relationship with Him. You may already have that relationship. I know that I have often wondered “Why doesn't God speak in an audible voice as He did back then? Why doesn't He talk to us, just like another friend would?" Well, we know Father God knows best, so let us explore this.
Here are a few simple explanations as to why He doesn’t speak to us today as He did back then. He spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Because God is patient and does not wish for any of us to “perish” or have to call 911, He recognizes that “speaking through a burning bush” is not a wise thing to do in this day and age of physically and mentally unstable people. Our mental hospitals could not hold all the people that would be committed if they spoke of how God spoke to them through a burning bush. To claim you hear voices will get you admitted pronto!
If you ask my family and friends, many see me as a crazy nut, because like my brother I will say frequently, “the Lord said this or that.” (Thank God, I walk among many ‘fools for God,’ who know what I mean.)
Another reason God does not speak to us all the time, telling us what to do, is because He is all wise. When we need answers and problems resolved, He wants you to seek His Wisdom. You would not hand a student a ‘cheat sheet with all the answers every time they faced a test. No, we need to learn by experience, and we would never receive those gifts of ‘Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, and Discernment' that can only come by the experience of living life. A good parent knows that a child will soon grow tired of the parent telling them what to do all the time. They would begin to act rebellious. God knows that no one wants a "know it all" trying to control their life. Neither is it wise to be over protective. Smothering is NOT really a form of love. Thus, a good God allows us to learn the hard way--His Way to go.
This is why God in His Love sent His only Son Jesus to once more open the gates to be with Him. Faith and trust are the keys that allow us to walk into those gates. We all can come again to seek, knock, and ask and expect to be have those doors opened and answers given; but remember, first we have to seek God!
We have to seek God—to be still so that we may know this: I AM the Lord God! Sitting in His Presence in an Hour of Adoration is a good place to start.
I noticed one thing when doing research on who God speaks to in the Old Testament. I found there were at least three Scriptures where His People replied to God “Here I Am”
In Exodus 3: 4When the LORD saw that he had turned aside to look, God called out to him from the bush: Moses! Moses! He answered, “Here I am.”
In Genesis 22: 1Some time afterward, God put Abraham to the test and said to him: Abraham! “Here I am!” he replied.
In 1 Samuel 3: The LORD called to Samuel, who answered, “Here I am.”
Seeing this pattern and knowing that God gives clues and details that help us, I knew that God was telling us to look closer at this common phrase—“Here I am.”
"Here I am," - to which if we are still and listen, we might hear His reply, "Here I am, the I Am."
Now, before we can even go another step in this conversation/walk with the I Am: Who is God to you? What is your belief about Him? Is He way 'up there'? Are you only present with Him at Church? What is your perception of who God is and how He is present in your life? (Hint from God: get outside and find Me in all of nature.)