3 reasons Catholics are leaving and what you can do about it
We have all heard to expression “silence is golden”. Silence is certainly beneficial in certain circumstances, but too often Christians remain silent for the wrong reasons and at the wrong times.
The potential retaliation, harassment, disagreements, and more that we may face by expressing truth in light of Christ to others causes many to just simply remain silent. A choice to not share the Gospel and share truth with others is not what we as Christians are called to do.
“But as we were judged worthy by God to be entrusted with the gospel, that is how we speak, not as trying to please human beings, but rather God, who judges our hearts.” (I Thessalonians 2:4)
You are the recipient of a faithful Christian. You have heard the gospel of Jesus because someone else was faithful to speak rather than remain silent. What if the person or people who shared Jesus with you had chosen to remain silent? Where would you be without Jesus?
St. Paul had a vision that is recorded in Acts 18:9 where Jesus spoke to St. Paul and told him to not remain silent but to continue speaking.
Silence is certainly golden when we are seeking to hear the Holy Spirit, understanding others as they speak, or when we are angry. There are definitely times that call for silence but those times are not when we are faced with the opposite beliefs. When we see others in sin, advocating for sin, or others pushing ideas and philosophies that are contrary to the truth that Jesus Christ has delivered then it is our duty as Christians to share the truth with others.
Sharing the truth is not an act of arrogance but is an act of love. Others have shared Jesus with you out of love so that you may one day spend eternity in heaven. It should be the heart of every Christian to see others come to repentance and obedience to Jesus Christ. It should be our desire for every person we know to one day be a saint. That desire is not achieved in silence. It is achieved in speaking the truth, in love, with others and urging others to obey the commands of Jesus.
Many feel inadequate to share Jesus. Others feel they do not know enough, or the sins of their past are so dirty that no one will listen. Moses complained to God that he was not an eloquent speaker and could not bring God’s Words to the Pharoah, Abraham was a drunk, David was a murderer and adulterer, and St. Paul was a persecutor. It is not your qualities or abilities that Jesus seeks, but it is your obedience.
If you are not confident in yourself to know enough to talk about faith with others, then begin a daily routine of reading. In the age of technology and Church teachings at your fingertips, there is no reason you cannot learn more about your faith.
Go ahead. Speak up and speak out for Jesus. God has called you to be His voice, and not His muzzle.