What Did She Say?!!
Ah, the value of a letter! No, not the A to Z alphabet letters—even though they are extremely valuable too! For without them there would be the letter. That HANDWRITTEN, folded and sealed in an addressed, stamped envelope—and delivered to your door---left in your mailbox letter. Ah the value of that letter. Those letters are rare indeed, for now a day-- email, texting, twittering and the too numerous to count phone calls have essentially made the letter extinct.
But, if ever there was a way to evangelize—oh what a tool!! We are able to visit the imprisoned, the homebound, the sick, those children who have fallen away from the faith, and reach out to the fighting military overseas—ah the value of that letter.
Think about it—how surprised and thrilled you are when you go to the mail box and find a personal letter, handwritten and from someone who you dearly love and are so happy to hear from. Well the same is true for whoever you take the time to write to. No matter their age, or rather they are far away or close by—getting a letter makes everyone’s day!!
Now, to evangelize—always write about your day, your stories and do not, I repeat do not, preach, chide, suggest, advise or encourage someone to return to their faith and start going back to church—especially your children.
No, give them ‘good news’ of your world and also how proud you are of them, how much you love them—just assure them that they are so special and make a wondrous difference in your life. Tell them what a gift they are to—brag on them. Write words that will give hope and encouragement as you share the times when you faced trails and troubles but ‘thank God, He always came through for you.’ Recall the ‘remember when’ stories that may trigger something within that will open their hearts once more to memories of love. The memories of love--oh it is this love that will bring them once more to the source of all love—the heart of God.
Ya’ll excuse me now I have a letter to write or two—oh with 24 grandkids, and 6 children---looks like a have one a day to send out on the wings of love.
And one more thought on this subject of letters: If you were told to expect a letter from God in the mail—could we pry you away from the window as you watch for the mailman to come? What about the "B-mail" that is right there available and ready to be opened and read whenever—if only we would think ‘Its mail from God!!’ So open that Bible with expectation and a prayer of ‘Speak Lord, I am reading this mail from You.’