As you know, Mary appears to the least among us. Growing up, I felt the least--at home and in school. We grew up across the street from the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and School-- Maybe seeing her large stature overlooking our house, my bedroom was the reason, she carefully watched over me. No, not just to me for she watches over us all who come to Mamma for love and comfort.
I have never seen Mary's image---but have heard her voice, just as we hear the voice of our Lord.
One of the first times Mary gave a ‘message’ was on the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Texas. Our group was singing at the Mass. During the sermon when the story of her appearing to Juan Diego was told, I felt that strong Presence of Holiness. I also felt a tightening of my lower abdomen and smelled roses. During Consecration, here comes the strong Presence again. After Mass we went to stand before her picture, and I smelled all the roses but they had NO sweet rose smell for they were store bought!! I was still trying to discern if this was Mary I sensed.
After Mass, there was a reception, and wondering why I was experiencing this phenomenon: I decide to start writing and see what would be written as I have learned to do when journaling with God.
“My Children, If only you knew what lies in the future, you would pray with more intensity. You would cry for the children not yet born; cry for the children born but dead to the world. You would spend hours on your knees begging for God’s merciful love to be poured out over all of mankind. My children, you do not love enough for the hurts of others to become your own. Your hearts are still shallow and empty of the Presence of Jesus and filled with many worldly desires and concerns.”
These are so like Mary’s words, therefore, I believed it was Mary who whispered her words to my heart.
I do not remember when I received this message from Mary, the date or year. I was at a friend's house where Mary's stature, she felt was crying tears. As I sat before a statue of Mary in her yard, the inner words came to my heart.
“My precious children: I am deeply aware of the turmoil within your souls; your struggles and despair as you desire to love and serve Jesus. You strive over and over again to do so, only to perceive by your mind that you have failed because of your weakness and sinful nature. The devil fights his battle in your mind. He belittles and discourages you with guilt and confusion. Beware of his tactics. Do not argue, rationalize or detail-size God’s plan for you. Just say yes to God’s call to love. I know you want to, and my tears flow freely as my spirit senses to the depth of my being, your frustration and remorse. My whole being labors in great love and sorrow, as I watch your struggle with the birthing of the fullness of Jesus in your life. I long for that happiness and joy as you experience being born into His life. There is only one answer to your cry for help. This answer lies in prayer—especially that beautiful sweet prayer of YES. Yes Lord, be it done according to Your will. Choose to say yes my child. The salvation of souls is so dependent on your willingness to be obedient and love as Jesus loves. Pray for the power of God’s strength, the grace to surrender all; and the desire to love so deeply that you choose to make the hurts of others your own. Pray, my children pray—the time grows shorter each day.”
(When I receive her inner voice---it is always associated with the physical symptom of a woman in labor, the strong presence of holiness like the power of the Holy Spirit when you are touched by Him. Some saints have referred to this a moment of ecstasy. God also will use ‘unexpected symptoms coming over you like pain or strong emotions when you are praying with people to know how to pray for them, or to alert you to pray for someone whose name will pop up unexpectedly in your mine. Again we must be open to the Mysterious Ways of God.)
Here is another story from Texas that ended up as a blog for Mary.
One Saturday evening, my path took me to another little town to get medicine, and since I was close to a Catholic Church and Mass would soon begin, on an ‘impulse’ decided to go to Mass. As Mass started, I find that it is a Spanish Mass, but by now after 67 years of attendance, I know the Mass parts by heart. It was during this Mass I found out why I was to be there, for something special started to happen. I kept sensing, or feeling the ‘Presence of holiness.’ Looking around me, I noticed a seminarian or deacon in the pew in front of me and thought –okay he must be an holy anointed man of God.
But during the Offertory, as the Spanish choir sang, the Presence became stronger and I knew it was Mary’s presence I sensed. I have been blessed with this happening to me in the past. With eyes closed, I see a blue shadow in front of me, and my whole body is filled with peace, along with a tightening of lower abdomen, like someone having contractions. I can’t even remember when her visits started—while saying the rosary, when I was at Medjugore, Bethania, Lourdes, at Mass at the Mercy of God Prayer Center in Austin, but always she comes when others are gathered in faith and prayer. When she comes there is usually a message. Sometimes just for me, sometimes to be shared. Today the message was simple and much needed as I had been too busy AGAIN, and overwhelmed with life.
As the music played—I heard within my heart—“Come and dance with me my child.”
In my mind I did just that, as I envisioned us holding hands and dancing—but my heart spoke the words. “I don’t feel like a child Mary, I feel like an old grandmother.”
“Well there is the problem,” she said to my heart, “you are thinking too much like an old worn out person.”
My smile covered my face as I knew what a gift she was giving me—Time to get rid of stinking thinking and change my attitude, put love in my heart and start again to see with eyes of faith and enjoy God’s presence in all that is around me. I was at Mass---you cannot get any closer to God than this. He is present in the air you breathe: and He is also present in the Bread I will soon receive!! Time to come and dance with Him, like a child whose heart is empty of worry and care because Daddy is here, and if I let Him---He will take care of all my needs, my family and my life. I surrender all to You Daddy and Momma, and with arms reaching up, in my mind’s eye—we danced.
Later as the Mass ended, the priest made the comment—that “today for the first time a very large painting of our Lady of Guadalupe was hanging high on the right side of the church.” I thought ‘Well, no wonder you showed up Mary—you are so loved here.’
After Mass, I shared Mary’s visit and message with the priest, he said he wanted to share with all for we all needed to remember not to become bogged down with our negative attitudes and how much God and Mary wait to help us if we let them.
"So, children of God, come and dance with Momma and Daddy."
Today is Wednesday, June 2, 2021. I again deal with all of the above struggles and weariness from aging and caring for sick and dying. Needing to be comforted, I responded to God's call to "COME --and seek Me in your spiritual books,"---again I find these messages that were very needed to comfort and to encourage me. Also to give me the answers on how to continue carry my cross. Last message given today---"There is POWER in the Word of God. Use the Scripture when you pray for those you care about and to deal with all the negative feelings and frustrations that come into your spirit. Remember to BREATHE in the Spirit of God and trust in Me to take care of all of your concerns and needs."
Peace be with you beloved of God.