‘Draw your strength from His love'
Meditating and studying this part of the scripture as narrated by the Gospel of Luke 24:13-35, I find that the episode of the road to Emmaus reminds me very much what a Christian passes through upon accepting in his life the love of the Father and becoming a disciple of Christ. I can easily picture myself in such a situation, remembering my first encounter with Christ, who started to change my life and mould me into His image.
I had many personal questions about who Christ really was, why He touched my life, and what He wanted from me. I went through a phase of doubting my encounter with Christ, even questioning if such an experience was real or if it was just a feeling that would go away by time. My faith was still not strong enough, and at times I also found it difficult to understand what was going on inside me. Was Jesus really speaking to me personally? Was Jesus really interested in me? How can that be?
But as time went by, I started spending more time in prayer, exploring the depth of Christ’s love in my life, and eventually through life experiences and an increase in faith, I matured in my spiritual life. As a result, I started to believe more in Christ, and my personal experience with Him started to bear fruit. I became a person who was able to love my neighbour more, to be compassionate with the people I met. My family and friends started to recognise a change in me, they became aware of my relationship with Jesus and above all that I was a more peaceful person. Happiness was a new experience in my life which also filled me with joy.
Christ brought a new meaning to my life, that is, of living my life through the love of the Father. This road in my life, of growing in my faith through the love of Christ, does not necessarily mean that I do not pass through difficult days, temptations or feel burdened in particular moments. This road has taught me to have faith in Him, to completely trust in Him, to stand up again whenever I fall and to continue to follow Him, through His joy, love, comfort, peace and patience.
In this sense, the road to Emmaus reminds me of the road a Christian goes through in life. This road is similar to the one I went through, that is, of growing in one’s spiritual life, of discovering Christ, of learning to trust in Him, of believing in Him and of following Him to share His love throughout the nations, and to experience the living Christ.
(This reflection is taken from my book ‘Emmaus… in today’s society)
(This reflection can be viewed at: https://youtu.be/CT8oQgjyc1Q )