While caring for an elderly friend of late, he and I have learned the hard way that pride does go before the fall. Over the previous six months his health had been slowly declining, yet he still insisted, "I can do it!"
Growing weaker every day, he one day fell and broke a hip carrying out the trash. Earlier, I had offered to take him to go shopping, but he didn't want to bother me. Later, I hear he was in hospital with the broken hip. Six months later, even weaker, he insisted, "I want to go to use the bathroom instead using of that bedside commode!"
He always wanted his privacy, requesting the door shut every time you left, even when you feared he may fall again. Standing in the bathroom with my husband standing at his side, his legs gave out and once more he fell, twisting the bad leg.
Now he is in a lot of pain. He is bedridden and facing the total stripping of his pride, as he is told, "No, you can no longer get up, or do things your way." Much to his dismay, his privacy gone, a urinal has been placed between his legs by a caregiver.
The camel in Scripture is our own self. To enter into God's Kingdom, we have to be stripped of all our controlling human nature. The lessons my friend learned from his unnecessary suffering makes me think of the wisdom humans needs to learn.
We say, "I'm in control of my life!" and "I'm doing things my way!" And we get vexed and frustrated when others 'mess' with our space or comfort zone.
Whining and complaining, we find our peace and joy gone with the venting of our angry sighs. Growling is not the same as the moanings and groanings of the Holy Spirit.
I know when my body can't move as quickly as it used to, it is because I need to slow down! To be still and at peace is not a bad thing. Our "gotta do" and "get 'er done" attitude is not perhaps what God wants us to do each day. Instead, we should draw away and pray as we obey. Thy Will be done comes before Thy Kingdom come.
To be in the Presence of God all the time is possible. This is our choice, and should be our desire: Your Will be done. You lead and guide and direct me, my Shepherd! Let me be humble and meek, recognizing the importance of walking in love, so that God walks with me and in me.
Through Him, with Him and in Him. I can do all things for His glory and honor, by His might and power.
Why would I want life to be any other way? Stress is a killer. Pride leads us to a sinful nature, and we will fall, and fall, and fall over and over again, only ending up in misery and suffering. None of this is God's plan for us to prosper and be fruitful with all He desires for our life. He gives us the desires of our heart, and sadly He also allows us to have the desires of our heart that are not good for us.
"Okay My child, you do it your way. You must know better than I, what is best for you."
"Ouch, Lord. Forgive us Lord and have mercy on us, forgive us our trespassing into paths other than what You would lead us and guide us to."
We can learn from others mistakes and their needless sufferings. Learn from your own mistakes, too, and grow in wisdom and understanding. Walk into wellness, peace and joy. Walk in the Hand of the Man who stills the water and the turbulence of your inner soul.
Peace be with you Beloved of God!