The Demise of Righteousness!
A child is born and most parents readily accept the gender of their offspring with joy. Of course, there may be disappointment due to the desire of either parent hoping for a different gender. But usually the newest member of the family is welcomed.
The biological signs as to whether the newest member is male or female has never been questioned; until now. In Genesis we read “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them.” (Gen. 1: 27).
Unfortunately there may be more than a few using hyperbole as a way to discount God’s words that in their estimation were made up by whomever wrote the first book of the Old Testament. It would not be surprising to see a push to change biblical narratives to satisfy new-age points of view. We already can see the disbelief from too many factions of non-believers.
Young people are being confronted with scenes of confusion created by some classmates claiming they’re the opposite gender in a different body. It isn’t bad enough that these mixed-up teens, (or even younger adolescents) reflect obscene attractions as in one-time heroes as former Gold Medal winner Bruce Jenner is now Caitlyn Jenner, a sex-change recipient. If he could change his sex why not me? An example of I am no longer what I was, and now am just an image of my former self.
When our young children who are easily indoctrinated by examples such as Caitlyn Jenner and many other hero personalities the challenge of caution seems to fly out the window. But, in addition to these bad examples leadership at all levels in society are flooding same-sex marriage, teaching young children that homosexuality is a normal part of life, and endorsing the use of transgendered boys playing sports with girls in physical competition is acceptable. Boys and girls using the same locker room facilities and showering together. Even disrespect for common decency has become too commonplace.
Does it appear that we are living in a make-believe society that has no moral implications with hedonistic values? It is for myself that I exist and whatever pleases me is the norm for my life.
We know there exists same-sex attraction within both genders. But when this affiliation becomes a trait by brainwashing young adolescents who are too immature to use discernment by making decisions that will change their very outlook has become a travesty to the human psyche and will in the end destroy the very essence of our creator’s plan of male and female. This will be the end of procreation as we know it. A same sex union will guarantee the ability of birthing children to cease. Do you remember not too many years ago when China mandated only one child per family? Their population has diminished dramatically. Consider the same scenario with a majority of same-sex unions in the future. What will be the condition of the world we hope to leave our descendants?
Physiologists may argue that the confusion as to gender appropriation is simply a mistake in nature and change may be a necessary solution. Hmm; this solves nothing and is confusion itself.
“God blessed them saying: Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it.” If God set that mandate in the beginning of human history he meant it for ever until the end of time. (Gen. 1: 28).
Ralph B. Hathaway, 2021