Out of love, everywhere, God created all just for us! The air we breathe found in all of nature around us where all elements exist - God's Love is ever present too! This list of all that has been created out of love, so that we can survive and exist is endless. Endless, unique and wonderfully, carefully made. What a God to be so detailed in all that was created out of His love for us.
That is God, He is Perfect Love. He is a Perfect Person or Being that can be 'personified' by Love. When we know Love, we know what is means to be touched, helped, encouraged, protected and provided for. He is all love, and all that love represents.
God is able to be the Father that loves us like no one else can. Only God and God alone knows every detail of our life and that is why only He can be our judge! He knows why we do what we do which allows Him to be so forgiving and merciful: when we choose to come and ask for His forgiveness.
Therefore, in knowing Love, and in the giving of Love, we know God. But we not only know Him - when we touch another part of His living creation, we are touching Him.
Does this help you then to know how God can have a type of a physical form, but only so tiny it remains unseen by the human eye? His Physical form, dear people, is literally “Elementary.”
As you know those elements are everywhere! If not there would be no life, just as without God there is no life at all.
"All the elements and all created things do speak to us and reveal to us something about the being of God--who He is and what He is like.
What this really comes down to is that the being of God remains a mystery to us, something that we cannot fathom while we are in the earthly existence.” These words come from my good friend and priest, who brought this to my attention. He also added, “Scripture says that-No one can see the face of God (know Him completely) and live. That knowledge has to wait for our resurrected life, and even then, we probably cannot understand God completely. Every element displays something about the reality of God, something that we can understand with our limited finite brain.” (Fr. Mark Stengel OSB)
Come to think about it, “Why would we want to completely understand God? For our happiness and peace of mind? His Peace, Joy and Happiness are gifts from Him! Why don’t we just be the child who enjoys all He is?”
But we are made in His image and it fascinates me to think how the human body and all its bodily systems can be compared somewhat to the way the universe and our world was designed to work together for the survival of the whole Body of Christ Our body and all its systems are functioning
God’s perfect design allows us to be alive! Made in His Image, the Spirit of God, the Emotions of God and even with the elements of physical ‘microscopic parts’ of the Lord God. I hope this makes sense to you; when I received this realization or revelation, it totally fascinated me to see His image in such a simple but mind blowing way.
When we see with the eyes and faith of a child and see God in everything, everywhere - it should have us dancing in the rain and jumping in mud puddles with glee! “Here I am, God, Let’s play!”
Why are all of these reflections/thoughts/insights on the Image of God so important to explain how, why or when God speaks to us? Because He is present in All species including human (ahem--even in my husband)! If we have hearts that are open, and seek the Holy Spirits guidance and gifts---we will HEAR God speak to us! We just must know how to listen for His Voice and what His Voice will sound like.
The Scriptures tell us, besides the burning bush account, most of the times He spoke to His people, for many are the readings that just state, the Lord God spoke.
But in 1 Kings—19 v 11-13, He said:
"Go forth and stand on the mountain before the LORD." And behold, the LORD was passing by! And a great and strong wind was rending the mountains and breaking in pieces the rocks before the LORD; but the LORD was not in the wind. And after the wind an earthquake, but the LORD was not in the earthquake. 12After the earthquake a fire, but the LORD was not in the fire; and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing. 13When Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his mantle and went out and stood in the entrance of the cave. And behold, a voice came to him and said, "What are you doing here, Elijah?”
So, is it possible that we do not hear the God’s normal speaking voice of God for it would be too much for us to handle? When we hear the monstrous roar of a Tornado or Hurricane do we not fear? Or when we feel the shake of an earthquake—do we hear the voice of God there? God knows the perfect way to speak to us so that we Do Not Fear. This Awesome, Wondrous God of Love. This is why in His love—God either whispers, comes in the interior Voice, or in the His mystical mysterious ways that shall be talked about.
Made in His image, we must really remember too, that when we get too loud, others cringe and become fearful of the person standing before them and do not hear what we want them to hear. If you want to be heard, speak softly, tender words that convey love of God and limit our words too, as preachy is not desired. Wisdom that came over the course of many years, and regretfully, I still get carried away!
“I hope ya’ll are paying attention to my mistakes, for God speaks through them too.”