Go to Jesus with the wounds
Just as politicians carry a very big responsibility in society, Christian leaders also have a great role to play. Whatever the denomination of the Christian leader, nourishing and guiding his ‘sheep’ and forming them to be Christ-like in today’s society is for sure not an easy task. Christian leaders are to be role models to the people they are entrusted with, they are to radiate the love of God to them, to form them, to help them recognize the love of Christ in their lives, to make them strong in their faith, to be the voice of God and a light to society.
Such a task carries the same responsibility as that of the Great Commission, when Jesus said to the eleven disciples in Galilee, as narrated by Matthew in 28:18-20: Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
In today’s terminology, or as better understood within the business world, the above statement of Jesus would easily translate as a Mission Statement to Christian leaders as follows: to make disciples, to baptize and to teach in all nations about God’s love. Christian leaders are to trust in the gift of the Holy Spirit that this Great Commission reaps its fruit by awakening within the Church people of God, families of God, Christians who are full of zeal for the Lord, full of zeal to live Christianity to the utmost, full of zeal to be faithful witnesses of the Good News and to share it with all their neighbours.
Christian leaders are to be the front runners to live up to their Christian morals and values and be able, through their witness, to strengthen their sheep in Christian teachings. Through the grace of God Christian leaders are to nourish their sheep and make them strong to go against the current in today’s society.
(This reflection is from my Christian Book: Waking up the Sleeping Giant)
(you can watch the video to this reflection at: https://youtu.be/quQoxC6Jcmc )