Can You Name Them?
“Women have the unique ability to be a double benefactress to humanity! Not only is she capable of preserving humanity from one generation to the next, but she is also the principle moral provider of humanity.” [Blessed Fulton J Sheen]
Imagine the roar that Mary heard and felt when Angel Gabriel visited her and announced the news that God wanted her to become the mother of His Son! What did Mary do with that roar? She treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. [according to St. Luke] Mary matured into a woman of deep thought, introspection, and integrity. She was indeed a double benefactress to humanity! Not only does she continue to preserve humanity from one generation to the next, but she is also a principle moral provider of humanity. But, Mary isn’t the only woman called to the Triple Role of benefactress, preservationist; and principal moral provider; we all are! Like Mary, we will hear the roar of this call uniquely and personally. We will either treasure the call or hate it and for different reasons.
Let’s consider why Fulton J Sheen words matter and are so divisive for many women. The real question for you to think about is this one. How willingly do you accept Sheen’s call to arms? I am going to assume for argument’s sake, that most women do not see themselves as Sheen does. Many women will object to the fact that he is a man and therefore not qualified to define women. Others will suggest his words are hogwash and insignificant! Seriously, what women regard themselves as a double benefactress; a preserver of humanity; and a principle moral provider? But what if we did?
Today, I contend, that most women see themselves as the Equalizer rather than as a double benefactress or principle moral provider. Women want what men have; in part, because they feel like an underdog in life’s arenas: love, war, and work. They regard motherhood as less important than becoming the CEO of MGM or first woman President of the USA. Women want to be equal to men; and they want everyone to also want that for them! Unfortunately, that mentality elevates men even higher than they appear to be right now. This mentality gives them a premier status in every area of life - one that all women need. However, Blessed Sheen didn’t teach us that men are the first to help others in need. He didn’t even come close to suggesting that men are even capable of preserving humanity. Neither did Sheen argue that men are the first to provide important and much needed moral guidance! He said that women civilize men - not the other way around - in and through their roles as benefactress; preserver of humanity; and moral guide.
The desire to become the Great Equalizer actually doesn’t work out very well for women! First, it tries to erase women’s natural Genius and Excellence of character. For example, women naturally and more easily form good, close, and long lasting personal relationships - not men. Women are natural helpers. Women naturally are attracted to and love babies - not men! Women want babies - not men!That’s really important today given the pervasive mentality that babies are inherently regarded as career stoppers, and expensive, and ought to be postponed until every other opportunity pans out by men. Women naturally love other people; friends, neighbors, relatives, etc. Women actually do tame men; meaning, that women love their men enough to convince the male heart and mind to get married and stay married; accept and love children; and dedicate their lives to raising and taking care of their families for a lifetime.
What exactly does Blessed Sheen mean when he says women are a double benefactress? Women uniquely contribute to both society and to themselves when they have children. Only women have this unique role! Even the government realizes that each person born adds value to the nation; the assigned value to each person born is approximately $10 million/person! Secondly, women preserve humanity by providing their children with a mother lode of love; her maternal care is unique, highly personal, invaluable, and irreplaceable. Some experts go so far as to suggest that “a mother lode of bonding – or a lack thereof – between moms and young children can predict kids' behavior in romantic relationships decades later.” [Maureen Salamon December 20, 2011] Their children will be more secure; they in turn, preserve and secure the near future for everyone. Women are the principle moral providers of humanity when they live virtuous lives - especially chastity and modesty - which are important lynchpins to faith, general morality, and other virtues. Women who realize [as did Mary] that they are more perfectly predisposed for these roles by God Himself do more for society than most people will ever realize!
Let me back up some of my arguments with facts.
Fact #1: The prison systems give residents cards to send home on Mother’s and Father’s Days. The cards for mothers vanish quickly; while cards for the fathers don’t.
Fact #2: Lionel Tiger, a sociologist, studied the effects of the birth control pill on chimpanzees; he even wrote a book about the results [The Decline of Males]. When female chimpanzees were given the birth control pill; their male counterparts rejected them and turned to fellow male chimps for sex. The female chimps secreted too many negative pheromones. When the researchers stopped giving the female chimps the pills, normal heterosexual relationships were restored between the male and female chimps.
Fact #3: Many women who elect to have abortions develop post abortion trauma symptoms weeks, months, or even years after stuffing their sorrows and regrets about having the abortion [ PASS - Post Abortion Stress Syndrome]. While the abortion industry disputes the reality of PASS, they refuse to study the psychological effects of abortions on women.
Fact #4: Wikipedia informs us that Tarana Burke, a social activist and community organizer, started using the Me Too phrase in 2006 to promote "empowerment through empathy" among women of color who have been sexually abused.” More recent exposés of Harvey Weinstein, Representative Anthony Weiner, Bill Cosby, and other powerful men - revived and refined the #MeTooMovement slogan. Some suggest that it “forced a conversation about the intersection of gender and power.” Did it really? Women were adamant about calling for the prosecution of powerful sexual perverts; while remaining completely silent about the various ways women are still being used by men within their own homes or hotels around the world. We’re talking about the enslavement and use of sex trafficked and pornified girls, women, and even young children! The illegal border crossings compound the sex trafficking trade; but, where is the roar and outcry from all women? Did you know that the average lifespan of a porn star is just thirty-seven years of age due to pervasive acts of violence used against her; drug addictions; sexually transmitted infections, and suicide! Why aren’t women standing up and saying - ENOUGH - with a roar? Sure, many porn stars are famous; have a sizable bank account; and wield temporary power over porn addicted men; but, obviously their lives are less than complete. Speaking about pornography, women should be up in arms with regard to the heavy use of pornography by their spouses and/or boyfriends. Rather than speaking up against this abuse, women themselves are turning to pornography in an attempt to become a great equalizer.
Women have a unique opportunity and ability to be a double benefactress to humanity! We are fully capable of preserving humanity from one generation to the next! We are also called to become a principle moral provider of humanity. Let’s do it - regardless of the uproar or the silence! Let’s make a difference for generations to come - as did our natural role model - The Blessed Virgin Mary!