A reality that judgment may be on the horizon
What is Beyond our Understanding?
Look beyond the unseen and what are your expectations? Go outside, on a cloudless night, stare into the clear sky and view nothing but stars; most of them like our sun with who knows how many planets surrounding them, as in our solar system, and wonder if many of them even exist by the time their light reaches us. It’s not possible to even guess the answer.
Walk into a church when no one is around. In the silence of emptiness one can feel the presence of God even without understanding how. Like the vastness of space we can just open our minds and allow the very mystery of peace that comes from God enveloping our senses. This in itself moves our consciousness into peaceful understanding.
Now for a moment look at those around us; persons created just like you and me. If you could envision the deep thoughts of each one including the inner-working of their emotions, likes and dislikes, and their hopes and desires, would you be able to discern how this person thinks or understands the world they live in? If the question about outer space and star systems so far away can not be understood, the answer of human inter-actions regarding all of us will prove to be just as mysterious.
Because of all the recent activity in our non-auspicious society the doubts of a successful environment collectively puts a strain on human concerns for each other. One only needs to look and wonder where the belief in God has slipped away from God-fearing people.
As we ponder the above scenario a much deeper concern could make any of us want to look into the minds of the people who ardently have a complete disregard for all life. At one time, years back, most people at any age would’ve been shocked at the manner human life is now perpetrated, had it occurred then. However, we know that God gives faith to those who seek it and their rejection is to their unfortunate loss. God will never force or even coerce us to accept Him or his forgiveness. As I wrote in an article on hell, God will forgive us up to the moment we die. The acceptance for mercy is available if we seek it. His forgiveness is not beyond our plea for mercy.
This is where the understanding needs to be taken seriously where too many Christians have lost all sense of seeking the loss of God as one who loves and wants our dedication. But, far too many have placed him as just another religious item to be put in a box on a shelf of belief only to be opened in times of crisis. That is good even if it is a crisis-centered event in our lives. The problem is those slithering in that position may have forgotten where the box is located. In that event do those without faith even believe any more in a God that is all love and awaits for the call for help?
Ralph B. Hathaway, Beyond our Understanding 2021