Recently my husband who loves to talk on CB radio with friends wanted to be able to send his signals out to reach more people. So his friends came and helped him all day to extend his antenna up above the tree tops.
But the Coax shorted out way up yonder and what I now refer to as his antenna of Babbel, has silenced his radio. We'll now have to take down that very tall antenna to get the new coax up yonder.
This reminds me of all the ways we have become unproductive due to wanting more. Addictions can be - and are - deadly to our ability to do. And we all have them. We are engrossed in TV, movies, screens, food, smoking, drugs. We are slowly silenced and unable to go forth among the people.
In today's Gospel, the apostles were sent out with only a tunic, sandals and a staff. I suggest you leave your cell phones in your purse or pocket and not in your hand as you go forth among the people. Look at people who pass by. A kind word, a compliment, opens doors to speaking special words that others need to hear. This is the Good News we must spread.
Technology is a tool of the Beast. Our cell phones place 'marks' on us and take away our ability to see and be in the Presence of God as we go forth into His Beautiful World among His very special beloved children.
Be aware, be woke to seeing this truth. We are to lead by example. What examples are we giving to our children that may be leading to their living or dying?
It may not be a very tall antennae that reaches up to the sky. But it does give us the ability to communicate and become addicted should we let it.
As Archie Bunker put it, "Stifle it!" and use your phone only as you would that landline phone; when you need to connect, to tell someone good news, or in case of emergency.
Let us remember to connect more with God. To "Be still and know" - or Draw away to Pray.
Oh how beautiful is the sound of silence!