A Letter to A Special Someone
Life has drained us, emptied us, and left us needing new life and renewed joy. We need to know how deeply God loves us and wants to be alive in our lives. We need change that only the love of God can bring.
This is why we need a Cana Wedding Eucharistic Adoration.
Format for this Service.
Read the Cana Wedding Scripture: John 2 vs. 1-11.
After the reading, explain how this scripture is a "new beginning" for all gathered here at the Adoration Service. The priest or lector should do the following:
The Beginning of this Adoration begins with the first Procession through the Church with the Holy Eucharist.
The Procession of the Eucharist throughout the church must be done slowly to allow God time to touch those who are thirsty for special graces from Him. Special music of adoration or worship will be played or sung.
After the presence of Jesus is placed back on the altar, the humeral or another priest's vestment will be draped at the base of the monstrance and carefully placed on a kneeler or table in front of the altar so that people can come up during the Scriptural Rosary as they feel led to and touch the "hem of Jesus."
Remind the congregation that when we come to touch Jesus, we will be touched.
There are a series of four Adoration Services. One can be held every month, over a year, or over a weekend retreat for inner healing/healing. Each service will focus on how the mysteries of the Rosary are to be a part of our lives.
Scriptural Rosary During Adoration
A Scriptural Rosary will then be said. The scripture that goes with mystery is read. Then as the Rosary is said, the leader or priest gives a small reflection on the mystery's scripture before each Hail Mary-to show how the mysteries connect to our lives. Service to close with Benediction
Adoration Service for each mystery of the Rosary
The Joyful Mysteries reflections will focus on how we are all called, as Mary was, to open to the Holy Spirit so that we may have the presence of Jesus living within us. We must be obedient and say yes to the Holy Spirit so we can be fruitful and bring the love of Jesus to people everywhere.
We too must say, as Mary did, my soul does magnify the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior! For He that is Mighty has done great things for me, and Holy is His Name.
The Luminous Mysteries reflections focus on our call to follow in the footsteps of Jesus and be willing to be changed so that we can be the Bread that is blessed, broken and given.
The Sorrowful Mysteries will focus on our own journies to the cross. We come to see our suffering as a part of our spiritual journey and how God has a plan and uses our pain as a part of our giftedness.
Through Understanding, the Holy Spirit brings inner healing, forgiveness and peace even as we say, "Why God Why?"
The Glorious Mysteries will focus on total surrender to God's will for us. We will see how to live a resurrected life by trusting in the Father's Love and by our obedience to Him.
If you are interested in participating in this Cana Wedding Adoration, encourage your pastor to consider having this Healing Adoration Service. Or Contact Elizabeth Johanna Thomas at Johanna4302@yahoo.com.