Joe Biden Prepares to Make His Mark on American Catholicism
Relativism leaves us with no criteria for moral decision-making. It destroys faith, the right to life & robs us of all sense of meaning.
"Only in truth does Charity shine forth, only in truth can charity be authentically lived, without truth, charity degenerates into sentimentality. Love becomes an empty shell, to be filled in an arbitrary way. In a culture without truth, this is the fatal risk facing love." Pope Benedict XVI
We would not say to our children as they learn to drive that it is okay not to follow the yellow lines on the road just because you think they have no truth for you. We would not say to the homeless that it is okay that you stay homeless because that is your truth. We would not say to The Unborn it is okay to be dead because your truth is that your parents do not want you.
Relativism separates us from one another by changing Epluribus Unum to Epluribus pluribus, meaning it changes out of many one into, out of many, many. Human rights are no longer treated as absolutes but rather are made subject to the values of those in positions of authority. Government manipultion is much easier to achieve when society is relativistic.
Because of this you see vaccine and mask mandates. You see food banks reducing hours and the number of real people needing assistance rising. The list of unjust outcomes arising from a relative ideology goes on & on. Our only hope is to grow the next generation stronger in faith than us. Stay tuned for the next blog where we will speak on specific actions that we can all take to reduce the impact of relativism in our lives.