It was just a few months before COVID. George Floyd. Epic civil unrest. Economic shutdown. Isolation. Election integrity. Weaponizing vaccines. Defunding police. Critical Race Theory. Personal work eviscerated for governmental control. Reliance. All dots marking lines suggesting intentional social engineering. Atheistic socialism. Swirling clouds of political, economic, cultural, and ecclesial confusion and calamity. Lest we forget, we are so small. All we're experiencing is but a shadow of what's unveiling in light of eternity. God is speaking to our hearts.
Most notably, to the sleepy self-satisfaction, mediocrity, and cultural appropriation by those of us who profess Jesus Christ.
Last night I had the most vivid, horrifying dream.
It seemed everyone I had ever known was gathered together at some expansive, outdoor location. It was a bright, sunny day. Light chatter mixed with ordinary laughter. Voices softer and louder. The atmosphere was filled with all the range of emotions, preoccupations, indifferences, thoughts that mark this present humanity.
Without notice a slight breeze emerged, bringing in ever-darker clouds. It seemed like all of a sudden, in the distance, great, roaring winds began encircling... amidst mighty thunder and shattering lightning.
None of us had anywhere to go. Somehow we all knew nowhere could withstand the mighty force around us anyway. All former thoughts collectively evaporated. All triviality. Whatever anyone had been hoping for in this life.
And then something that defies explanation: Amidst the great storms, somehow each of our souls became exposed. Laid bare. Not just the public things, but the hidden things in our depths. Every moment of lies, lust, jealousy, hatred, greed, indifference... each of us confronted with the bold, ugly truths of our sins. Each seeing one another's. There was not one among us not struck with the enormity of our smallest sin. Sufficient to banish us eternally. And meriting the same. This, of course, was far more horrifying than the storm.
As it all seemed to move in with ever-greater intensity, before I awoke... one, prominent thought punctuated it all:
The mighty door of mercy is closing. The day of reckoning is upon us.
“'In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.'” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Cor. 6:2