To those who've left the Catholic Church: There is No Substitute for Christ
Your trip home from a day’s work or any normal function results in an obstruction on the road that presents a delay. You are one of several people who encounter a man lying there with no apparent injuries but find he is not breathing. The question among most is can we revive him? To revive someone who is not breathing or appears to be motionless should be an opportunity for an act of saving someone. Webster defines revival as “to return to consciousness or life”. Some synonyms are recharge, regenerate, renew, or resurrect. Making this person as he was or better.
Should you stop and render assistance when this person needs to be taken care of regardless of your position in life. Luke’s story of the Good Samaritan would fit this situation.
Recently I adhered to the term revivals in an article I wrote that was aimed at leadership in the government. However, this one goes further and confronts all of us. It isn’t the leadership of governing bodies that the term revival needs to be pointed at, it is each one of the listening audience that must open their minds and use the message to intently change their lives.
We saw some well known speakers not too many years past and can believe many souls were moved to seek and find Jesus Christ during these gatherings that filled many stadiums to beyond capacity. Of course Billy Graham is one name even non-believers are familiar with. After hearing a stand-up sermon everyone in the stadium had an opportunity to come to the stage area and accept what is known as “answering the call of Christ” or to be born again.
We are at a juncture in our lives where too many are living without direction in our spiritual connection to God. A question would be are we church attendees, and can we really say we know Jesus Christ? Many will say yes, but when questioned further will the response to “do you really know Christ” and what does the reason for Calvary mean, how will you answer?
There are too many so-called nominal Christians (in name only) who do not see Jesus Christ in a personal way, but standing in line for a seat on Sunday in order to fulfill a mandate only. Does this fit a personal relationship with Christ?
This is where a revival is needed. The Catholic Church has thousands attending Holy Mass, receiving Jesus Christ’s Body and Blood in Holy Communion, but fail to understand the essence of living a sacramental life. This is not a put-down to church attendance and receiving the sacraments regularly but we need a spiritual awakening as non-believers in a revival tent or stadium feeling the call of the Holy Spirit yanking at the strings of our hearts to really listen as He knocks at the door of our heart.
Be careful that the space we take in church is more than a body, but the answer to a question, finding what we seek from his presence, and the answer as he knocks and we open the door.
Is a revival needed by all? Absolutely! Where are the revivals located? Deep within the persona of the very fiber of our own spirit.
Ralph B. Hathaway, Revivals 2021