'My Sheep Hear My Voice' - Are you Struggling to Hear God?
Each night I pray the Magnificat, the line “He lifts up the lowly” sticks out to me. At different times in my life, I have felt especially lowly -- powerless, helpless, and completely dependent on God’s strength to pull through a difficult situation that I don’t understand.
This is one of those times. I am at a loss for what to do and feel overcome by unfair power. All I can do is accept the lowliness, and recognize the truth hidden in those words that God will lift me up in some way, like He has done in the past.
Every time, I was delivered. I may have had moments of "getting burned" by people who exerted unfair power, influence and manipulation over me, but after every one, there was a bigger triumph. This time will be no exception.
While reflecting on my powerlessness and lowliness in this situation, I came across an insight from Richard Rohr that really spoke to me about true power: “If the Holy Spirit is power, then power has to be good, loving, and empowering, not something that is the result of ambition or greed. In fact, a truly spiritual woman, a truly whole man, is a very powerful person.”
We who follow Christ faithfully and embrace the spiritual life are often lowly, but in that lowliness is greater power. Like Mary, God can work through us in miraculous ways because the Holy Spirit is alive in us.
That is power that no worldly power can overcome.
Let that give you confidence, comfort, and strength if you too are one of the lowly.