I wonder just how many people would give their lives to God if they knew just what lies ahead on that journey with Him. Would we even want to be born into this world if we knew what would be facing us here? Jesus willing came knowing what the Father was asking, didn't He?
The same question could be asked too, how many long for the coming return of our Lord if we knew the horror that many would be facing in the catastrophes, wars, fires, flooding etc. Just read the headlines or watch the news and YOU SEE already the pain that is felt or the anguish and grief experienced. Your own tears start to flow as you share the pain felt.
So, when we are called to come follow Jesus---just what do we anticipate in that relationship with Him?
There are some who proclaim---prosperity and blessings beyond all we could expect. And Jesus, himself speaks of Peace and joy beyond all measure. But at what price?
Take up your cross and follow Me. Cross Lord? Follow You? ---You are going to Calvary to die on that cross. What are You asking of me??
Be Born again of the Spirit--just what does that mean?
A baby coming into this world is squeezed down a narrow passage and even before that for nine months lived in a enclosed dark space --hearing only the comfort of that heartbeat and embraced by love from an unknown source.
So to be born again--what type of squeezing and discomfort are we to feel again as we are stripped of the old life into the new?
"Give up or sell all you have and give to the poor--if you want to follow Me." And disconnect from family---what does that mean?
Perhaps the family past traditions, beliefs, habits, behavior and the sin of Adam too passed down. In other words, the desires of the flesh, mind and spirt. Self control and strong beliefs taught by the parents and ancestors--is this what we need to be set free of? Especially that controlling spirit within us. We are asked to surrender all when we walk with His way of love and Mercy.
Speaking of which - Forgive times 7 times 70? How you doing with that stipulation?
Much to thing and reflect on here. Now about those trails and tribulations. As a person age--we creak and crack more, moan and groan more, become dented and wrinkled like an old car and even may experience being totally dependent on another to care for us--even changing a diaper again, as a child being born again into new life.
So are you ready to sign up for living a life with Christ? Walking in His footsteps, carrying any cross of trails and tribulations?
Remember to do this ---you are going to have to let the Holy Spirit lead you in the way; the truth into that life with Christ. You are going to need that full armor of God! The sword or His word must be ever at hand to speak out when trials, troubles, and the temptations come your way.
Like Christ you must draw away, be still and know I am with you! Do not fear or be anxious; I am here! Listen and be still so you can hear Me speak to you as we go down rights paths for My Namesake into those dark valleys ---where you walk in My shadow!"
Are you ready? Well come on then---and Follow in His footsteps so that you may have life without end. And, be prepared by doing "whatsoever He tells you to do!" Listen to Mamma Mary now, ya hear!
"Rejoice always, in all things give thanks, and Pray without ceasing." Father God speaks--listen to Him too.
From my heart---"Smile--life definitely could be worse--just ask anyone--we all have our litanies of woes, complaints and problems we face. In other words, trials and tribulations. but, we have God!!! Mary our Mother, angels, the body of Christ here on earth and in Heaven too. You can count on them to see you through what ever you have to do. "