Sweet Robin Fly!
Many times in my life I have not been on “speaking terms” with God. And when I do speak to Him, I often ask: “God, what are you doing up there? Are you paying attention?” Certainly enough trouble is going on in our world to try anyone’s soul.
So how do we persevere and keep our faith strong? I find help from Mary, our Blessed Mother. Mary is a wonderful guide who understands our trials and tribulations because Mary faced her own. Our Lady knows what it means to persevere in faith.
“Throughout her life and until her last ordeal when Jesus her son died on the cross, Mary’s faith never wavered. She never ceased to believe in the fulfillment of God’s word. And so the Church venerates in Mary the purest realization of faith” [CCC 149].
Faith is a gift of God, a supernatural virtue infused by our Lord. Before faith can be exercised, we must have the grace of God to move and assist us [CCC 153]. Look at Mary. Mary was all human and full of grace.
God’s grace kept Mary’s faith strong in this world. With her persevering faith, Our Lady could take on the great responsibilities God gave to her along with the challenges and hardships that came with those responsibilities. The same holds true for each of us.
With the help of Mary’s intercession, our lives can be filled with grace--if we allow it. By our Lord’s grace we can have the strength of faith to take on life’s responsibilities and challenges without losing heart or hope in God or in humanity. The wider we open our hearts, minds, and souls to God, the greater the grace and thus, the stronger our faith. Ask and we shall receive.
Like Mary, with divine grace we find faith-filled unity with the Holy Trinity. We are given the help of the Holy Spirit, “who moves the heart and converts it to God, who opens the eyes of the mind and makes it easy for all to accept and believe the truth.” [CCC 153] The truth, the Word of God, was made flesh in Jesus Christ our Savior who shows us the way and the life that lead to Heaven.
As Jesus said, if we have faith the size of a mustard seed, we could move mountains [Matthew: 17: 20, 21]. Our faith enables us to spread the hope of salvation and the love of God with every person in our wake. Because with God, nothing will be impossible.
Like Mary, as long as we persevere in faith through our joys, our works, and especially our sorrows, we are not alone in whatever we face. We have the Holy Trinity to see us through our daily lives. Our perseverance keeps us and our world connected to Heaven and to the joy of loving God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the strength of our faith depends on the choices we make. So what gets in the way? For myself, I get in the way by holding back. Why? I don’t know. Maybe it’s fear—of what I am not sure. Praying to Mary helps me to be more open to our Lord to receive His grace. And although I get angry at God, in my heart I know He is not to blame for the troubles in our world. Faith in God is the solution—and our salvation. Amen.