Can you imagine what it would be like to be totally helpless? Totally unable to defend yourself and facing the unthinkable that could ever happen to you?
I am a nurse and have cared for patients that were elderly, paralyzed on one side, on ventilators and even totally unable to speak, and hope you notice their eyes asking for help.
Can you imagine being in their situation or perhaps you are in a situation where you are feel trapped! Fires, hurricanes or storms roaring down upon you--no way out. Crimes of hate and violence coming at a moment's notice, and you are traumatized forever!
Recently an example occurred and is still occurring in other worlds. Trapped and defenseless---many are facing death knocking on their door, as they wait helplessly!
As I sit and watch eyes tearing up---I can only imagine the thoughts raging in a person's mind.
"Why, God, what did I ever do to deserve this horror that is in my life."
Why indeed oh Lord?
Sin and evil of human kind can perhaps explain some suffering of others. Pain and suffering coming at the hands of evil. God gave us free will-- and God suffers too, as He watches the end result of what others choose to do! He watches to what we choose to do too. We are free to choose--and evil uses that too. Evil knows our weaknesses and temptations are strong!
But, what about those who are totally innocent of wrong doing and some terror is upon them?
For instance, sickness that is not contagious--and suddenly symptoms come and you deal with a slow progressive dying that takes years. The heaviness of that sickness, is carried by all who love you as they do all they can to help you with your burden. You would indeed be very angry, frustrated and depressed! Your faith in God questioned as you lie, passing time every day, waiting for the day to end. Hoping that you receive the compassion and care you need from strangers that come into your life. Hoping they understand the dept of your emotional struggle as you journey on this path of your life.
"It's not fair!!" A cry that is screamed out by the multitude so defenseless in our world today!
As we question and watch loved ones suffer or see senseless tragedy unfold, anger will swell inside! We will question and hoplefully, seek wisdom. Let us remember this Scripture.
The sins of the fathers are passed down for generations. Spells, hexes and curses too. So seek wisdom and help as you seek answers to 'Why." Generational healing prayers and teachings are needed, and this can be found just by doing research.
Always think too of 'any sin' or behavior, habit in your life that could be contributing to your own decline in health and could be a blockage to a miraculous healing! (Don't play the blame game or whine and complain if your life is a struggle. Look at what is not of God in your daily life. In other words, other false gods. Attenion seeking behavior is not 'Seeking God Behavior.')
Just as the sins of the fathers are passed down, so are the rewards of a blessed and obedient man/woman of God.
“You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments. (Exodus 20:5-7, NIV)
Abraham's descendants will inherit His Holy Mountain!! Lord, keep us always on paths that You lead us on, going forward to Your Holy Mountain. Could it be possible, that which we suffer: is a part of our salvation, and living a resurrected life with God?
Return to Him!! Cling to Him!! So, no matter what comes in to your life that leaves you feeling "Defenseless"---never give up faith and trust in our all loving, all merciful God. Cling to Him as the winds of horror howl, and the wolf is knocking at your door. His promises to us are endless and one promise that I love-- "I will deliver you from all terrors of the night or the arrow that flies by day. Be Not Afraid, I go before you always."