Have You Been Given What You Didn't Ask For?
I had something go wrong at work the other day that created a host of chaos and extra work that wasn’t anticipated, and I wondered, “God, why did this happen?”
Our vendor had made a big mistake, and I found myself on a call with them later that day discussing the issue and how we would resolve and mitigate it in the future. They thanked us for our empathy repeatedly.
Later that evening, I found myself thinking about their words of thanks, and realized that bad things do happen sometimes, but how we react to them is where our faith and character are revealed.
Even though it was a terrible ordeal, at the end of the day, what matters most is how I treat another. God's not going to judge me on the mistake a vendor made that cost me at work. He's going to judge me on my willingness to be a disciple and be an example of His love and forgiveness in the midst of it.
Do others see Jesus’ gentleness, mercy, and kindness when trouble comes my way?