Trust in God Brings Forth Our Salvation
More and more I am growing frustrated with people of the Church who seem to be like the Pharisees, who judge themselves as “different” and “better” than worldly people who aren’t caught up in piety.
These people go to mass more, pray the Rosary more, do all sorts of pious things, and are judges of whether people are living up to the right doctrine. They claim to live differently and more rightly than people of the world, and call others out on their bad behavior or misaligned beliefs. Frankly, I used to be a lot like them!
But with age and wisdom, I am starting to ask the question: Is that what holy really is?
Or is holy being more Christ-like? Living the Gospel word for word. Embracing the sinner, giving to the needy, healing the sick, being merciful and loving, carrying your crosses in life, and growing in communion with God? Bearing fruit for the kingdom? Moving with the grace that moves in you?
I’m increasingly inspired by humble people who embrace the world, live like Christ in their mindset and deeds, and emulate the love and mercy of Christ. And, I am increasingly repelled by those who think they are holier simply because they do pious things and hold firm to Church doctrine, and judge others as they do so.
Maybe that’s why Jesus gave us these examples and insights in Scripture...maybe the way of following Him reveals the truth of these words, and shows us the real meaning of being holy.