Before Time
Where do we go from here?
Recently I wrote some articles that dealt with Marxism, Socialism, and Communism. Perhaps the connection of what can be gleaned from the Book of Revelation and the instances occurring today may not be something to be concerned about. Walk down the avenues in New York City, or one of the Wast Coast streets in California and hear prophets of doom calling those who will listen regarding the pending destruction of the world.
Most of us will keep on walking smiling and ignoring their words. Others may let some of the warnings trickle in one ear and out the other. This is not to bemoan their message but to reflect on the actions that face each one of us at a juncture of evil now appearing to become active in our society.
There are signs which could be similar to the many historical events and past world leaders whose premise was to destroy the peace so diligently fought for by denying God and all he has given humanity. There are a few descriptive terms most of us have heard, but now is the time to take them seriously.
Now, Revelation like Old Testament Apocalyptic Literature was a warning to believers who were being persecuted and a consoling teaching that Jesus Christ would return to save his followers by destroying the reign of Satan and his followers. It is the existence of the Anti-christ, the Beast, and the Dragon who have been made ready to attack the people of the earth.
We heard of the time that mankind would eventually need some type of identification to live in the world. “It forced all the people, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to be given a stamped image on their right hands or their foreheads, so that no one could buy or sell except one who had the stamped image of the beast’s name or the number that stood for it’s name.” (Rev. 13: 16 - 17). We already are in the midst of being taken over with some governments enacting these requirements.
Some of the attacks will be from the ruler who will be making a one-world government, one-world religion, and this person, the Anti-christ, will be honored by most of the world’s inhabitants. What are some of the dictates that will occur? Prayers in schools will become nonexistent; is already here. Teaching children to ignore our saved documents i.e. the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Pledge of Allegiance; what happened to that when we used to recite it in school showing respect for our Flag.
Churches (if they still exist) will allow preaching and worship to the beast (dragon), and respect for life will not be tolerated except by the Anti-christ. With abortion and euthanasia already becoming common place we can see the results of a one person leader who will be worse than Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Assad, and many more who have tried to rule the world.
A one-world government is already in the making; look around and see the movements occurring, loss of freedom, increase of anti-Catholic attacks, and the removal of authority by “Defund the Police”.
What kind of world will we wake up to find tomorrow or next week? It might seem to be a distant reality, but most likely it is here, brewing and the taste will be bitter
Ralph B. Hathaway, A future America! Where do we go from here?