Can you contemplate the Creator of the universe? He who controls the seas, the stars, the miracle of conception and birth, the seasons, the transformation of insignificant worms into beautiful butterflies…the setting and rising of the sun…gravity, atoms and microbes…infinity? The fact that the Almighty would allow Himself to relinquish control to a finite being such as man boggles my mind. Infinite Power surrendering to infinite impotence. Can you imagine that kind of acquiescence? The great I AM allowing us free will. Allowing us to call the shots—to make the choices—to run the show. If that isn’t beyond amazing, then I don’t know what is. The gift of free will is such a display of unfathomable love, I can barely wrap my mind around it. And then, to top it off, He willingly becomes as insignificant as a piece of bread to totally infuse us within Himself. He doesn’t even wait for us to go to Him but allows His very Self to go into us—becoming simple nourishment so that we are inexpressibly His. Because, by becoming our food, He transforms us into His Being. Just like when the ocean fills a hole on the beach. The ocean doesn’t become the hole, the hole becomes the ocean. What an awesome God!