Living Liturgically Part 6: Liturgy of the Hours
I was having lunch with a friend the other day. We are very alike in many ways, but she and I have different vocational paths. She is seriously exploring consecrated virginity while I am a third order Secular Franciscan in a committed relationship.
After our conversation, it occurred to me that we each are called to witness to Jesus and the Gospel in a unique way, and that perhaps our diversity of vocations serves to show different aspects of Jesus and charisms of the Church.
I sense that she is called to witness to love and prayerful intimacy with Jesus the Bridegroom and point to Jesus’ chastity and celibacy for the sake of the kingdom, while I am called to a more ‘hands on’ active Gospel life emphasizing Franciscan attributes of humility, mercy, and simplicity as well as pointing to Jesus the healer.
Two different paths. Two different witnesses.
It’s a question to consider in your own life: What aspects of Jesus are you called to give witness to? What charisms of the Church is God inspiring you to show the world around you?