Our love is a reciprocation of God's love.
It seems like an odd but familiar saying. Odd in that we are afraid to give anything, let alone our very selves, away. We do not want to give ourselves away just to be heartbroken. It could be mighty painful. Can we trust the other person to not break our hearts? Will the other person love me as well by given himself or herself to me?
These are great questions to ask. You do not want to put yourself out there in complete vulnerability only to get rejected. And yet, is not that what Jesus does for us? Jesus desires to give you and me His Sacred Heart. He does not do this from Heaven sitting on His Throne, but from the Cross. Will we reject Him and pierce His Heart once again or give ourselves to Jesus?
In this exchange, we do not have to fear being the first one to put our heart out there. Jesus has already declared His love for us and asks you and me if we will love Him. He does not want to love you with just a passing wave or a handshake. He wants to give you all of Himself, His very Heart. Are we going to respond to such love by a cold, “I know”, or are we going to give our hearts? We will get more than we give.
Jesus, Your vulnerable love was on full display as You hung on the Cross. Help us to respond to Your love by giving You our hearts. Amen.