A Forecast Of The Things To Come In The Last Days? A Closer Look At Pope Leo XIII
Some people may ask why is it important for us to read and understand the Holy Bible, after all, it was written so long ago and it just couldn’t apply to us today, correct?
The answer to this question is that it does apply today and in many cases, you could make a case it would be a great guidebook to the problems that are coming our way. Not in the distant future but right here and right now. When I think about this issue I am reminded of the great parable of the Ten Virgins at the Wedding Feast.
Which type of person are you, the foolish or the wise? There were ten in the parable and half were foolish and the other half were wise. Sound familiar? It should it is almost like the equally divided nation of the United States today. Look at the issues that face us today. Inflation that is growing at the highest rate since when President Carter was in office. One year ago the United States was the leading exporter of oil in the world and the leading producer. Today we have more than doubled the price of gas at the pump and we are importing more oil than ever before. I realize that these are political aspects of life, but are we prepared?
Read the last three verses of the parable. See what you think and why this is important.
The Parable of The Ten Virgins Matthew 25 1-13
Matthew 25 10-13
10 While the [five foolish virgins] went off to buy [the oil for their lamps], the bridegroom came and those who were ready went into the wedding feast with him. Then the door was locked.
11 Afterwards, the other virgins came and said, ‘Lord, Lord, open the door for us!’
12 But he said in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, I do not know you.’
13 Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”
Brother and sisters, we are worried about the wrong things. As the economy is in apparent free fall and we are not prepared-what can we do? We are just one person and it appears that one person can do much. This is where you are wrong.
We are all just one person. We can be prepared and make sure that this never happens again. Because we were not prepared in the first place we are in the shape we are in now. Just like the five foolish virgins who found themselves outside of the wedding feast we find ourselves outside and looking in on God’s Heavenly Banquet. Do you want this condition to stay permanent? Or would you like to change it now? I prefer the latter and I suggest that we begin to prepare to take stock of our spiritual needs. We need to get back into regular Church attendance. We need to make sure that we all have up-to-date all of our Sacraments. We need to begin to include daily prayer in life, daily Holy Bible Study and take stock that we have two natures to feed- an earthly one and a spiritual one. We can not feed one and let the other starve to death.
The ten virgins are all of us who are alive and live in this world. The wise virgins are those of us who have heard, understood, and practiced the teachings of Christ while the foolish virgins are those who heard but did not understand the teachings of Christ or understood but did not practice them. Today, I ask you which are you? Repent, prepare because you do not know when he is coming again. Amen. Comment below.