How many moments have I wasted?
We know this instinctively. Going to Mom feels like going to a comfortable pillow. Got a problem, got an owie (sorry, I have young children). We instinctively go to Mom. And if your Mom also is the Mother of God, oh that is powerful. And Mary is just that. And while she cannot physically console us, she can spiritually. And she has the pull with her Son to get what you need.
Jesus shares His mother with us just as He shares His Father. He gave us the “Our Father” and told the beloved disciple, “behold, your mother.” Surely, these both apply to us as well. After all, there is nothing that Jesus did not share with us. He keeps nothing, absolutely nothing for Himself. He even gives us His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity to us each time in Holy Communion.
Mom can do wonders for us. Our spiritual hurts seem too much for us to handle. Go to Mom. Jesus gave her to us, not just because He wanted to share everything He has with us, but because she can help us. Mary was the first to welcome Jesus into her life. She was the first Christian. Indeed, her pains in watching her Son die were something that she united with His sufferings. A mother suffers when her children suffer, and surely Mary suffers when we, her children, suffer as well.
Mary, thank you for being our Mom, even though our sins put Jesus on the Cross, you did not abandon us, but embraced us with a gentle love only a mother can give. Thank you Mom! Amen.