Called to Love
Belonging to Christ is a collection of poetry that shares the Catholic faith and experiences of a millennial woman in the twenty-first century as she journeys on the walk in holy cadence towards the beautiful gates of heaven.
The following poem is an excerpt from Christina M. Sorrentino’s new book, Belonging to Christ: Catholic Poetry:
Love Divine
O beautiful Sacrament
he receives on bended knee,
with the imposition of hands,
the Holy Spirit besought from heaven,
stirs up the grace of God in him.
No longer one of many,
set apart from the crowd,
he is made sublime and venerable,
by the power of the Word.
With the Sacrament of Order,
imprints an indelible mark.
Consecrated to God alone
he dispenses the saving treasures of Christ ,
with a pure and gentle heart.
By the power of his consecration,
the gift bestowed upon him,
in persona Christi Capitis,
he proclaims the Mystery.
Gifts of the Creator,
the work of human hands,
with the Dia-Logos,
transform upon the altar;
humanity drawn into Divinity.
Enkindled in the Divine fire,
their hearts beat as one,
the rhapsody of Trinitarian Love.
Sacramentum caritatis,
Pascal banquet,
wedding feast,
Christ unites Himself to His beloved bride,
with a kiss from heaven,
the consummation of Love Divine.
Belonging to Christ: Catholic Poetry is now available for purchase on Amazon in Kindle e-book and print format.