Dusk, February 10, 2022
Mary Magdalene is a person of many talents and shows much empathy. Wealthy enough to follow Jesus around Israel, she loves Jesus and wept over His tomb. Therefore, I was surprised she did not recognize Jesus standing outside the tomb, thinking he was the gardener. She did not recognize Jesus in His resurrected state.
Today I can better understand. Taking care of someone who has experienced much suffering this year showed me what Mary Magdalene experienced.
My memory of this person is that he is good looking- sartorially splendid, very suave in his prime. Today I combed his hair after he shaved himself with an electric razor. All his shirt buttons he closed himself, sitting upright in his recliner. I told him how nice he looked and brought to him a mirror to check himself out. I thought he looked good- my preconceptions going back a few years.
He first glanced at the mirror; then he looked more closely- moving the mirror around to see himself from all angles. It seemed to take a few moments; all was silent. Then tears ran down his cheeks. I was confused until I realized he saw himself as he was today, not as I remembered him. He had been transfigured by illness.
Jesus too was transfigured by His Death and Resurrection; His glory as God made Him unrecognizable to Mary Magdalene. A gardener of the cemetery her brain tells her in her brokenness, her heart draws false assumptions.
Perhaps, I too need to look closely at my suffering friend. This man could be Christ as He is close to those suffering. This could be my hour of adoration with Jesus hidden under the appearance of a gardener, a nurse, an invalid.
Resurrection and Easter have new meaning. Each person I meet I silently ask, ”Are you Christ dressed as the gardener? Are you the one who comes to till my soul, so my new life can begin?” I too weep, as I know I have not recognized Jesus and passed by Him in my daily life.