Fourth Sunday of Advent; a pronounced happening for Christmas Eve.
“My sins on the Cross”
As I sat in church before Holy Mass the thought of my latest sin drew my attention to the Holy Eucharist in the tabernacle and what occurred that provided this blessing for me.
How often do we ponder the reality of Jesus’ presence awaiting our contemplation as to the sins each one falls into and receives forgiveness through Sanctifying Grace. Interesting that the celebrant tonight spoke on the wonderful opportunity we can enjoy through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. He mentioned that there are those penitents who ask will God forgive me, or can he forgive me?
I wrote an article titled “Sacrament of Penance and Sanctifying Grace” wherein the reminder of how God seeks to draw us to himself and when we drop to our knees in the confessional, as long as we are remorseful, God has already forgiven us because of our intention to confess.
In a symbolic manner one could view their sins disappearing with each drop of Precious Blood as Jesus hung on that mighty tree that provided the world with redemption.
Can God forgive my sins or will he look upon my faults as too horrible for the Divine Love to look upon? One thought on this question is to see God’s Mercy as the ocean. The sinner with all his/her sins, represented as a drop of water, jumps in and is swallowed up by the mighty ocean of forgiveness. The very thought of sin being absorbed within God’s Divinity shows that no sin is too much in God’s eyes which is greater than any wrong we could even comprehend. The questions of can God forgive me or will he is not in the realm of a divine God. It is Love that occurs during our visit with a priest, who stands in as Jesus looking at us with the deepest compassion.
In my opening remark about what occurred as a blessing in the tabernacle meant for me, my sin placed Jesus on the Cross which ultimately has become His Body and Blood, always there waiting for my adoration.
Holy Eucharist and Reconciliation; two Sacraments of Forgiveness; Two visible signs of Love!
Ralph B. Hathaway, Sin, the Cross, the Body of Christ!