How can we make it through this?
While you may have a responsibility to others, you only control one soul, and that is your soul. You can only save one soul. Yours. You may assist in saving the souls of others, but whether they accept Jesus’ offer of salvation is theirs to do. The best thing you or I could do to change the world is to do the one thing that we can do, come to Jesus.
So, what does it take for us to come to Jesus and accept His offer of salvation? We must live out what Jesus taught us to do. We must believe in Jesus, but also we must do. “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.” [Matthew 7:21]
The Father’s Will is different for each of us as each of us is different. However, there are commonalities that each of us must do. We must find communion in Jesus’ Church. If we go to a different “church” because it makes us feel closer to Jesus, we are actually distancing ourselves from Jesus. Jesus only founded one Church and to walk away from it is to put distance between us and Jesus.
If St Peter wronged you and you decided to leave Jesus because He associates Himself with sinners, then you are choosing to distance yourself from Jesus. Telling Jesus “I will follow You” but not following those He put in charge is like disrespecting your teacher when they really get their authority from your parent. The Church gets its authority from Jesus as He is the Head of the Church. Anyone who rejects the Church then rejects Jesus, whether knowingly or unknowingly.
We must listen to Jesus, especially when it is hard. It was hard for Jesus to accept the Father’s Will to Calvary, but He accepted the Father’s Will to offer us salvation. Will we accept?
Jesus, You point us to the Father and desire immensely for us to accept Your bloodsoaked offer of salvation. May we accept Your offer, thereby changing the world. Amen.